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The Zoo and Downtown

The Zoo and Downtown...

July 16, 2001

When we woke up on Monday, we got ready to leave for the Zoo. We had so much fruit and stuff left over from Couple�s night that I didn�t even make breakfast, but we ate that instead. I love fruit for breakfast, so I certainly wasn�t complaining. On our way to the Zoo, I stopped at my in-laws and introduced them to Jen and Tonya. My MIL really had wanted to meet them, and since it was on the way to the Zoo anyway, it just worked out well. I was glad I stopped and Stephen later told me that his mom said that the girls were really nice and that she liked them. She totally respects them for being able to deal with their husbands being out to sea and all that, and says that there is no way she would be able to do that. Anyway, it was a nice visit.

We had a great time at the Zoo. I loved showing Jen and Tonya the zoo, since I talk about going there so much, and since Jen loves the zoo too. The first thing we did was go into the new butterfly exhibit that they have this summer, and it was awesome. I loved that so much, and could have spent the whole day in there. I love butterflies, and they were really so beautiful, but I had so much that I wanted to show them, so we had to leave, LOL. We went to the dolphin show, and on the motor safari, and into a bunch of exhibits and had a great time. We had a great lunch too, thanks again Jen for buying (giggle). Tonya bought us ice cream later on too, which was so yummy. We also shopped a little since they wanted to get souvenirs for their kids and we wanted to get a present for Cory, since she had to work and didn�t get to go to the zoo with us. We ended up finding her a cute picture frame, which she loved, and they got my mom a cute one as well. As we were leaving the Zoo, I said I had to go potty so that I could run into one of the stores and buy a little souvenir for Jen and Tonya too. I got them candles with Brookfield Zoo on it� I think that they liked them. I loved showing them our Zoo, especially all the places there that I talk to them about.

I made my stuffed meatloaf for dinner that night, since Jen had asked me to make it for her sometime. It turned out sooooo yummy, and I think that they really enjoyed it. I know Stephen did, since it is his very favorite dinner. After dinner, we sat down to watch the movie that Stephen had rented for us. He got us return to me, which was filmed in Chicago, and had lots of great scenery from downtown Chicago. At one point, Jen joked and said, well if we don�t get to see downtown, at least we get to see it in a movie. Sounded like a challenge to me, so I told them let�s go� and at 11:00 that night, we drove downtown in our pajamas and no shoes, LOL. It was cute, and we were laughing. I even took them and showed them the area where I grew up, the house I lived in, the grammar school that I went to and all that fun stuff. Oh yeah, and I had to pee sooooo bad that I couldn�t wait, so I pulled over to pee in a parking lot, hehe. They were laughing so hard at me though that I just couldn�t do it. They got a picture though, LOL. Hey, when you have to go, you have to go. I am glad that I got to take them downtown, even if it was late at night, and even if we did only stay in the car, but at least they can say that they went, right?

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