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Monday's Are Not So Bad

Monday's Are Not So Bad...

July 23, 2001

At least when you are on vacation, giggle. Seriously though, I had to ask Stephen a few times, is today Monday or Tuesday. I could get used to this not working stuff, LOL. We had a nice day today too. My boss called me this morning to ask me how to do something, I am so glad that they are having a hard time getting along without me. Guess the temp that they have didn't know how to do a few things the way that I do them, so he wanted me to explain it to her. I have to admit that I like that, hehe.

After everyone woke up, and I fed them breakfast, I decided to run over to Best Buy to see about getting my camera fixed. It had broken during the week last week, and I was devastated. Luckily, when I bought the camera a year and half ago, I paid extra for a 4 year service plan on it, and I was able to find where I put it last night. I was just hoping that they would be able to fix the camera before we leave to go to Ohio on Friday, or I would be stuck having to get disposable cameras for the trip (gasp). You can't know how much I love having my camera everywhere I go, and not having one is just so horrible for me. Anyway, so I took it to Best Buy to their Repair Center, and told them what was wrong with it. He didn't even really look at it, but instead said, okay, go pick out a new one... and take it to the service desk for an exchange. Wow, I so was not expecting that, I thought for sure that they would try to fix it. I was so excited though, and got to pick out a really nice camera, and with the better camera I got, and my new 4 year service plan (they totally refunded the previous plan), it only cost me about 15 dollars... between 10 and 15. I couldn't believe it...I am still so excited about my new is awesome and I love it. It is even all weather proof, woo hoo.... now I am almost glad my other camera broke, well only almost, since I missed taking a lot of pictures that I would have liked to take at the end of Jen and Tonya's visit... but hey, I had the digital camera anyway, so it all worked out. I've already even taken a roll and half of pictures on my new camera, and I haven't even had it 12 hours, LOL.

After June and I ran out to pay a few bills and pick up some groceries, we had an early dinner and then we all got ready to go to the movies. As we were getting ready to leave it began storming so badly, but it didn't stop us. We went to see Jurassic Park III and it was pretty good. June was a little scared but she loved it and Chrissy loved it too. I enjoyed it, and was glad that we got to go see it.

When we got home, my brother was here with his son Brian. Brian is going to spend the night with us, and then I am taking him out to my mom's tomorrow. We are going to hang out with her and dad tomorrow. Scott asked if we wanted to go bowling with him and Brian, but I told him that I didn't want to spend the money, since we just got back from the movies, and we are leaving for Ohio in a few days, but he said it was his treat. Wow, my brother doesn't offer to treat very often, hehe. So we all piled in the car (well Stephen decided to stay home since his knee is really hurting him, he hurt it again playing basketball yesterday). We got over to the bowling alley only to find out that they had lost power earlier in the storm and were closed, so instead we decided to go play miniature golf at Smuggler's Cove. I won by one point, but my brother swears that I cheated and marked him down for more points than he had... he is nuts, but okay, whatever, LOL. I won, and that's all that matters to me, hehe.... especially since he thinks he is so awesome... I was like 5 points under par, so I just got lucky, LOL. He even bought us all ice cream after we played, and what a mess that was, but the kids had so much fun. Yes, this is where I took all the pictures, hehe, but I had fun trying out my new camera.

When we got home, Scott took all the kids swimming for an hour, while I laid down to read some of the new Danielle Steel book I got today. Oh, it's good... and I had to tear myself away from it to come and write in here. I am going to go clean the kitchen now and then read some more. I want to get the house cleaned a little though, since we are leaving in the morning to go to mom's. I think that I am going to stop by Cory's work too, to say hi, and to get my house keys for mom's house from her (she had them to stop and let their dog out on Sunday for them). I can't wait to see her, I miss her and Jen and Tonya bunches. I can't wait until Jen get's here, and I am so excited that Tonya is coming with her for a few weeks. Woo Hoo!

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