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A Workout Partner

A Workout Partner...

July 18, 2002

I got up this morning and drove by myself to work. Stephen and I decided to drive seperately so he could go in later and I could go home earlier, and leave Chrissy to babysit less. Well, Stephen called about 10 (I thought he would be at work by then!!) and said that he took half the day off, and that he was bringing the girls with him. They were thrilled and he had a lot of fun hanging out with them all day long too.

They got there about noon, and I had waited to do my workout with Chrissy. She had been asking me to take her to the gym for a while, so I knew that she would be upset if I went without her. She was really excited when I told her I waited. I guess they stopped at the gym first to look for me, so she could at least do part of it, and was disappointed cause she thought I was finished already. We had a nice workout together, it really was fun. She was cracking me up, cause she was trying to jog at a huge incline, and wondered why she couldn't breath, lol. It was just fun, and it make my workout go soooo quickly.

Stephen kept them in his office with him all day. He has a private office, so it's easy for him, lol. They were totally bugging me all day long though, both the girls, and Stephen too. I was having fun pretending like I was mad, but it was cute, and I enjoyed it alot. Still, they are not coming tomorrow, snicker.

On the way home, the girls and I stopped at target. I wanted to buy a vegtable steamer, and I got a really nice one that I like a lot. I couldn't wait to use it. We went to the grocery store to get stuff to make dinner, and June wanted Chicken and rice and Chrissy wanted broccoli, so it turned out to be a good meal. Of course Chrissy wanted cheese for her broccoli and cauliflower, but I said no way, lol... This is the first time I've made Chicken and rice in a long time. I did so good with it.. I used the 98% fat free cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soups in it, and no butter at all. (I used to put like 2 sticks in it). I have to admit that I was worried that it would taste not as good, but it really was great. I will make it like that from now on! The Veggies in the steamer were wonderful as well, and I really enjoyed dinner very much. Yum.

Chrissy and I were watching the movie Bounce. It was on cable. By the time it was over it was almost 9, but Chrissy wanted me to go for my walk so that she could go with, lol.. so off we went. June wanted to go with, but last time she complained the whole time, so Stephen asked her to stay home and watch a movie with him. She was happy to do that, so I didn't feel like the bad guy not letting her go. Chrissy and I had a really nice walk. It's been fun having a workout partner today. We went almost 3 miles, up and over the big hill too.. she was dying by the time we got home, although she would never ever admit to that. She is such a tough butt. I am proud of her though.. she has been walking at home a lot lately, and really trying to exercise. Not that I want to see her get goofy about it, but she hasn't, and it's a good practice for her to start now.. Maybe if I had listened to my parents when they told me that I should start when I was 14, I wouldn't be where I am today.

Daily Tidbits

  1. It's late again, surprise surprise.. lol. We are watching trading spaces though, and then it's bedtime for everyone.
  2. We got our raises today, yay. I got a dollar more an hour, and Stephen got about the same, so we are happy. It's nice working someplace where we are so appreciated. Plus, there are such great benefits there too.. it's such a nice place... and noone says anything when you take your kids... lol. Well, they might if you did every day, but once in a while, noone cares.
  3. I wish it was friday.. all day today I kept thinking it was Friday. Hope work goes by quickly tomorrow. I so love Friday nights, cause you have the whole weekend ahead of you.
  4. Back by popular demand.. captions on the pics of the day. I heard ya ladies.. see I do listen sometimes.
  5. Oh yah, while we were at target, I saw the cutest pair of coral overalls. They were only an XL in the misses section there, and you know that target clothes run WAY small.. but they fit (a little tight in areas, but I can wear them now), and they were on clearance for 7 bucks, so I got them. I also got a cute outfit for June which she totally wanted and loves...and I bought Chrissy a few new bras.. she really wanted more grown-up bras.. and she did need a bigger size since her old ones are all tight, so I got her a couple. She was so excited and came home and changed right into one. She couldn't wait to call her mom to tell her. LOL, to be 14 again (LOL, listen to me, didn't I do the same thing about my pretty new bras just a few weeks ago? LOL, somethings never change... 14 or 31).

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