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A Long, Nice Day

A Long, Nice Day...

July 20, 2002

Today has been a long day and I am so totally exhausted and I really don't feel like writing in here right now, but I am going to anyway, still don't expect much from this entry.. I really am half asleep, so if it doesn't make sense, keep that in mind.

We had a great "family" day today. That is what June kept calling it all day long. They were so excited that Stephen was going to go with us to Six Flags. We got up, had a nice breakfast and hung out until about noon, watching Trading spaces and While you were out. I think that Chrissy and June are every bit as addicted to those shows as we are.. they didn't want to leave until they were over, lol.

Finally we got on the rode and made it to my mom and dads. We only hung out there for a little while, but we had a nice time while we were there. My mom talked Stephen into taking their cat, finally. They had this kitten that Krystal had brought home and left there, and she is so cute.. but my parents have the 2 dogs too, and so they wanted to find a home for meow-skers.. but they do love her, and so they don't want to give her to just anyone. Honestly, I doubt that they will give her up.. they just like to pretend that they want to. They have had a lot of people offer to take her, and they always say no.. they are nuts sometimes, lol. So anyway, Stephen wanted them to give us this entertainment center, that he wants to use for our bedroom.. they were getting rid of it before and we said that we wanted it but we weren't sure.. (long story), so then they decided to just keep it, but he wanted it.. so mom teased him and told him that meow comes with it...(she was going to give it to him anyway, but I wanted to take meow so I am not going to tell him that, snicker). So we are picking up the entertainments center next weekend, which is going to mean a lot of work for me, lol.. This means we are moving our bedroom to the big room, and I get to paint and do all the fun decorating stuff, hehe.

Finally, we made it to Six Flags, and we had such a great time there. We walked around the whole park, only going on small rides (it was so incredibly crowded) and we went to a few shows, including a magic show that the girls just loved.. they sat there with their mouths hanging open. We also got our pictures taken as gangsters which turned out so adorable!!! I love it so much, and can't wait to hang it up in my new bedroom. It was a long day though, and I am always so exhausted after a day at Six Flags.

Now, we are trying to get the girls to calm down.. but they had candy late, and are so wound up.. ugh.. we need to get up early too... we are going out to my mom's (and stopping to see Cory) in the morning. Sherry is going to meet us there later for a girl day. I told the girls I would take them back to Six Flags, but they said they wanted to spend time with Aunt Jennie and go swimming there and stuff. It's supposed to be SOOOOO hot tomorrow (heat indexes of over 105), so after I heard that, I was glad that they didn't choose Six Flags.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tomorrow is our nephew Eric's birthday, and Michelle finally called and said that she was inviting everyone over for dinner.. Gosh, I hate the last minute stuff. Stephen told me not to change my other plans though, and he is going to go over to see Eric and give him our gift. Works for me. If I get home early enough, I can meet him over there. And if not, at least one of us went. Plus Eric is turning 11.. all he cares about is the gift, lol.
  2. Stephen's dad is in the hospital.. he had another bad seizure... but he is totally okay, so that's good. Hopefully they will just keep him over night. We just found out about it.. Stephen's mom called while I was writing this.
  3. I am glad that Sherry is coming to my moms.. for a few reasons.. one I miss her, and two now I won't have to take the girls all the way home, woo hooooo. Giggle.. it's been a lot of time in the car lately, so that will be nice.
  4. Oh... and last but not least.. I weighed in today.. at 190!!! Omg, I was dying, and called Stephen in to see, and when he came in to look, I weighed at 189.. so I was fluctuating between 189-190 today. I officially marked it 190.. but 180s here I come, giggle... watch out.
  5. I just wanted to add a special note to Tricia... I am so sorry for your loss today.. I know how hard today was for you, but I think you did the right thing, and it will take a long time, but you will get thru this. I am here, my friend... never forget that.

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