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07-24-2003, 9:47 p.m.

14 days should go pretty quickly, when you are having a lot of fun right?? I did it, I booked my second week on our cruise today... and there is no turning back now. Honestly, I had been leaning towards not going, because I really can't stand the thought of being away from Stephen for such a long time, but it was Stephen who convinced me to go. He said that I was being silly and that it would be foolish to let such an opportunity pass me by, that I was lucky to have this chance, and it's a once in a life time thing, and that if our marriage couldn't handle 2 weeks apart that we were in trouble. He is really excited for me, and so that made it a much easier decision to make.

Once the decision was made, I felt pretty good about it, and while I still know that I am going to miss Stephen terribly, I also know that it's going to be a wonderful 2 weeks, and that it will go quickly. I called my mom, and asked her "so do you think we can book blah blah tour in the Grand Cayman".. I swear she about started crying she was so happy to hear that I was going to stay for the second week. Both my parents are just totally thrilled which is kinda cute, I thought that they might like to have that second week alone, but I guess not. She told me to call Colleen right away (their travel agent), and so I did, and boy I think Colleen was excited as my mom... I mean, yah, she makes a commission, but honestly, she just really likes my parents alot and she knows how badly my mom wanted me to stay, so she was practically screaming, REALLY??? YOUR MOM IS GOING TO BE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!... if I had any doubts they were gone then.

So, I have spent most of today looking at cruise stuff and dreaming about how wonderful it's really going to be. I am just so excited. I decided that I would REALLY like to swim with the dolphins in Cozumel, so now I just have to convince my mom of it. Man, that is really something I would love, and maybe if they don't want to, I should book it anyway, and they can do whatever they want. I am not one for doing things alone normally, but I would make an exception for that. I mean that would just be totally awesome.

It's neat that we get to do both the Eastern and Western Carribean, and that we get to stay in the same room both times, so we don't even have to leave the ship and disembarkment/embarkment day. It's going to be neat. I am so glad I decided to do this, Stephen is right, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity... I mean, I might go on a cruise again someday (I am sure I will), but 2 in a row? Never again, I would bet on that. One thing is that I know now that I can't falter on my better me stuff... because 14 days on a cruise is guaranteed to add pounds, so I need to be prepared, and have room to falter then, hehe.. hey, I gotta plan ahead for this stuff or my clothes will never last the whole 2 weeks, lol. As much as it might sound silly, I am not going on a cruise with all that wonderful food and not partaking... I will work harder now, and again when I get back home, but I am enjoying this vacation!!!! I will continue to workout on the ship, and I know I will be way active... but I also know that I am going to eat.. yup, all that yummy food, midnight buffets here I come, giggle. Maybe when I am hungry until then, I can just remember that I am on a break then and convince myself that it's worth waiting for... Most good things in life are.

Oh, did I mention that I haven't asked my boss yet?? LOL... I know I know, but he is on vacation and I can't ask when he isn't there. He won't have a problem with it though.. the only bad thing is that I will miss the first week of classes, but I am not so needed until at least the second week, and I will be back then... Since it's paid for, I hope he agrees, lol. Nothing like taking chances.

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