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Outta Here

Outta Here...

July 26 , 2001

I have been packing for the girls and I and making sure that we have everything that we are going to need for the weekend. You would think that only going away for a few days would be easy, but when you are packing for 4, it's not! LOL. We are leaving for Ohio tomorrow morning around 6 am. We are going to go over to Stephen's parents, so that they and his Aunt can follow us. I hope that they don't get lost this time like they did going to the Dells. They wanted everyone to follow everyone, but noone else was cooperating. Delores and John want to leave at 4 am, and we don't want to go that early, and who knows what Gerald and Michelle are doing. Michelle was crabby about it earlier, I guess. Kevin and Nicole left already and stopped in Indiana to see her parents, so they will meet us there. It's going to be a long 8 hours in the car, I hope it goes quickly and that the girls don't fight too much. The hardest part about having people follow you is that you don't feel like you can just stop when you want. We are taking junk food for in the car, so that should keep the girls for the day, LOL. They could live on junk food. Stephen's parents will want to stop lots though, I am sure. We are going to give them Stephen's cell phone to take, and we will have mine. At least then we will be able to be in contact with them if we get separated.

The girls are so excited about the trip though, and I am too. I hope that Stephen's knee does okay though and that walking around that much won't kill him. We are talking about stopping in Cleaveland on the way home Sunday and going to the Rock n Roll hall of fame. Stephen said he would like to do that, and I think that the girls would enjoy it as well. Plus, it will be nice to do something alone with the girls as well. I just know that they will be wanting to spend all the rest of the time with the other girls. We all have our own rooms this time, each family that is. I wonder which kids will end up in ours, LOL.

Well, I have tons to pack still, and I should get these kids to bed, since they have to get up so early. The one good thing about all of this is that they will sleep in the car, and you can't beat that, hehe.

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