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Feeling Hot Hot Hot

Feeling Hot Hot Hot...

August 01 , 2001

Boy has it been hot around here lately. With the heat index it's been way over 100, and not really weather you want to be outside playing in. I had planned on taking the girls lots of places this week, six flags, Mt. Baldy, miniature golfing and so on, but none of us have wanted to be outside. We have much preferred the air conditioning. You would think then, that with me being home all day, that I would be getting tons of stuff done, but you would be thinking wrong. I am so not sure where the time has been going. Maybe it's been the books that I have been so engrossed in. I bought a three book series by Nora Roberts and it's been great. I am into the second book and I only started them on Monday. I guess that would explain where a lot of my time has been going. Oh well, vacation time is supposed to be relaxing, right? LOL.

I don't know how I got so far behind with my journal either, but I do plan on keeping up now. I figured, it's the first day of a new month, might as well get back on track. I might still go back and write some of the missing July entries, just because like I said before, a lot of stuff happened that I would like to read about later. We'll see though, obviously I've had trouble just writing the day to day entries lately, hehe.

I can't believe that I only have a few more days before it is time to go back to work. In one way, I am looking forward to getting back to work, just so that my life could get back to normal and on a routine. Then in another way, I could get used to this staying home. Even today, Stephen said that he loves having me at home, and that he wishes we could afford for me not to work. Just that he wishes it means a lot to me. Honestly though, I enjoy working. I enjoy Vacation too, but if I didn't work, it wouldn't be a vacation, it would just be life. If that makes any sense at all anyway.

Tomorrow the girls and I are going over to mom's work to have lunch with her. That will be fun. I got her a little gift in Ohio too, so I am anxious to give it to her. We were going to go to Six Flags for a while as well, but I don't know, it's really been miserably hot. What fun would it be to go there and be so miserable that we don't have any fun. Maybe we will do something else, or maybe we will just come home early so we can meet Stephen over at his parents for our weekly Thursday dinner. I love being able to play it by ear. I had thought that maybe we might do this one thing, but I don't want to mention it, just in case we decide not to. I don't want to make any commitments at this point and then feel bad if I can't follow thru with them. I hate that.

Friday we are planning on going to Mt. Baldy. I guess even if it is unbearably hot, we will be near the lake and able to keep cool in the water. Of course, climbing the hill in this heat would be horrible, but maybe I will just resign myself to the fact that taking the trail is a much better idea in this weather. Sherry is planning on going with us, and she refuses to climb the dune anyway, so I guess I can walk the trail with her. But part of the beauty of Mt. Baldy is getting to the top of the dune and seeing that spectacular sight. Still, it will be fun, and the girls are looking forward to it. A nice way to spend my last vacation day.

Well, it's late, but the girls are still up playing Barbies, and I am working on my scrapbook. I haven't worked on them in weeks, so it's nice to be starting up again. The girls have been playing Barbies for over 12 hours now, and I just don't have the heart to send them to bed yet, not when they are having so much fun. It's their vacation too after all. Besides, I told them that they could stay up to call their grandma at 11:30 (when she gets home from work) to wish her a Happy Birthday, and I know that once they lay down tonight, they are going to be out like lights. I made them get up early this morning, hehe, meanie that I am. Sleeping until past noon just wasn't cutting it anymore. I mean come on, I am on vacation too, but I still have been getting up by 8. I even let them sleep until 9:00 today, so really that is not early, just comparatively speaking. Back to a schedule soon, oh boy.

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