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August 02, 2001

We woke up this morning to a doozy of a storm. Stephen even decided not to go into work, it was so bad, and it's a good thing that he didn't, because not but a few minutes later we looked outside only to find that our whole street was flooded. The water in the street was so high that it was up to the bumpers on the cars, and it was covering the grass as well. Our backyard was flooded as well as our garage, and it was rather a mess. Seems we got about 4 inches of rain in less than an hour, and it had nowhere to go. The girls and I played in it a little bit and I took some pictures for our scrapbooks, and we laughed and enjoyed the fact that Stephen was home with us.

Unfortunately though, I had to call my mom and take a *rain check* on our planned lunch today. I was a little disappointed to have to do so, but she really didn't want me out it in anymore than I wanted to be. I really had wanted to go see Cory today too (that was the little something we were going to try to do today), but obviously, I wasn't about to drive out there either. I am glad that I didn't tell her I was coming, see, it was a good thing that I kept that one to myself, LOL.

We had a nice rainy day, reading and working on our scrapbooks and stuff. By afternoon, the street had sorta dried, so Chrissy and I ran to Walmart to pick up our film from our vacation. I also got other stuff developed and had taken in 24 rolls of film. They knew who I was when I told them my name, LOL. I had fun coming home and looking at all the pictures too. I love my pictures. Now I really need to get moving on my scrapbook. I am on Thanksgiving from last year now. Catching up, snicker, NOT.

Well, the girls and I rented some movies, and got some stuff to make smoothies, so we are going to have a lazy night. Tomorrow morning, Michelle is dropping off Amy, Timmy and James so that she can get their basement cleaned. They flooded pretty bad today in the storm, and it is a mess. She can't clean it with all the kids around, so I said I would watch them for a few hours. Later, Sherry is coming over to spend some time with us and we are going to at least try to make it to Mt. Baldy... guess it all depends on the weather, and how long I am babysitting for. Should be a fun day.

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