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How Did That Happen?

How Did That Happen? ...

August 03, 2001

I can't believe that today was my last day of Vacation, pout. Those 3 weeks have gone by so quickly. Now how did that happen? LOL, I know that I am going to have a hard time getting back into the swing of things on Monday, but the good thing is that I know how much they missed me. They have been telling Stephen all week long. It's nice to be missed.

My SIL, Michelle, came over today with her kids, Jacob, Eric, Amy, Timmy and Jimmy. We just hung out for a few hours, and swam and talked and just had a nice time. Chrissy and June were so excited about them coming, and they pulled the lawn chairs out and were sitting in the driveway watching for them, it was so cute.

When they were getting ready to leave, Amy asked if she could stay for a while, and Timmy wanted to as well, so Michelle asked if I minded, and said that she would pick them up later. I told her that I was thrilled that they wanted to stay, and that I would have Stephen bring them home, so that she didn't have to drive all the way back over. They played for a few hours, and we ordered pizza and stuff for them.

When it was time for them to go home, they both gave me hugs and thanked me for letting them stay. I told them both that they were welcomed anytime. Well, I never imagined that it would be in about an hour, giggle. Stephen came back an hour later, with them!!! Guess that Timmy jumped out of the car, practically before Stephen could park it and ran in and asked if he could spend the night at our house, LOL. The thing is, Timmy is not a night-spender.. he likes to go to everyones houses, but he rarely wants to spend the night. But he did this time, and it just tickled Stephen. He loved it. So he brought both him and Amy back with him.

Amy's first comment when she walked in.. Well, Aunt Vicki, you said I could come back whenever I wanted to, so here I am, giggle.. what a cutie. She is my first godchild, and I just adore her. I am glad they are here to spend the night.

Oh, and today, Stephen got his hair shaved off.. uggghhh. I love his hair short, but that it just a little too short for my taste... you can see all the scars on his head, LOL. Oh well, it's his hair, and he is cute anyway, giggle. Maybe he will let me rub his head tonight .

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