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A Bit Better

A Bit Better...

July 26, 2002

Okay, can I just scream.. I just spent 20 minutes typing up and entry and lost it. I so hate it when that happens, especially since it seems to happen at the times that I feel like sitting here the least. I was ready to get back into bed, and now I have to start all over. Man this sucks (*#($&@(&$@@#@!!!).

When I woke up this morning, I felt a bit better than I did yesterday. Okay, in a lot of ways I felt a lot better, because I was able to drink some water and keep it down... then I was able to eat a little breakfast and keep that down too. What a wonderful feeling (have I mentioned how much I hate throwing up??? Okay, I mean that I know that noone actually enjoys throwing up, but I hate it more than most, and will do anything I can to avoid it). I thought that I would go to work, since I was feeling a bit better, but Stephen had other ideas. He said that I still had a fever (although not as bad as yesterday), and that he really wanted me to stay home. So I did.. and I am glad that I listened to him. I laid in bed most of the morning, watching TLC, I so love that channel, and then I got up and worked on a scrapbook page. I used a new technique today, and it turned out so cute.. and then I decided to take a shower. Ugh, that about took it all out of me, and I had to lay down for a while afterwards. Then I started feeling better again, so stubborn as I am, I decided to go to the grocery store.

It wasn't bad, except that I walked. LOL. Okay, I could have driven but I just wanted to walk. It wasn't so bad going there, but I got tired pretty quickly. By the time I got home I was ready to nap again, so that's what I did. I felt a bit better afterwards and vaccumed and did a few loads of laundry, which were not so bad, I got a bit tired, but it was ok. I made minestrone soup for dinner then, which was oh so yummy. Then I laid down and took yet another nap.. hehe. Hey, gotta nap when you are sick right? I felt better again when I got up, so I decided, against Stephen's advice, that I wanted to go for a walk. Okay, that might not have been the smartest idea, but it worked out well. I actually did very good with it, and while I tired out a lot more quickly than normal I just didn't go as far, and I felt good when I got home. A little tired and ready for bed, but not so bad. I hate being sick, I get cabin fever so easily and just want to be out doing something. I am not the best, or the easiest patient. I drive Stephen nuts, but oh well, hehe.

Tomorrow, if I am feeling even better, which I think I will be since I seem to be getting better and better... we are going to go spend the night at my mom and dad's. Chuck is going to help us with the entertainment center on Sunday morning. So tomorrow, we need to move some stuff around and make room for it. Well Stephen does, he already said that I am just going to tell him where to put stuff, okay, whatever. At least it will be done though.. since he really wants it.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I didn't talk to my MIL today, but I wonder if she feels any better. I sure hope so, cause yesterday so sucked. I haven't been that sick in a long long time, and I hope not to be again.
  2. Tomorrow is weigh-in day. I wonder how being sick will have affected my progression.. lol.. I did wear an outfit to day that I haven't worn since June 14th (I just remember that cause I wore in on Stephen's birthday when we went to Wisconsin), and it is a lot more loose than it was then.. woo hoo, that felt wonderful.
  3. The kitties are doing so much better at getting along. They still have their moments, but the hiss-fests are happening much less now, and they can handle being in the same area some of the time. The picture of the day was when they were both laying on the bed a few minutes ago. It didn't last long, but at least it is a big improvement. I think that they are going to end up being friends one of these days afterall... yay.
  4. I am going back to bed to read some more of my book. At least I can read today...yesterday, I couldn't even stand to hold the book up enough to read... that's how sick I was...all I could do is lay there and wimper.

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