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Johnny Angel
07-29-2003, 9:18 p.m.

I read the new Danielle Steel book, Johnny Angel, tonight. Well I started it this morning as I blew my hair dry, but only read half of the first chapter then. It was enough to spark my interest and I couldn�t wait to go to the gym today just so I could read. And read I did, I was so into the book that I was totally shocked when my hour was up. I ran to the grocery store and then home to make dinner, reading as I cooked, and as I ate, and then afterwards as well. I finished the whole book by 8:00!! It was so awesome, such a *great* book, but so very sad. I cried on the treadmill as I read it, and I cried in bed as I read it� and Stephen came in every few minutes to make sure I was okay and to ask me if I was sure that I was only crying over a book.. lol. If you have not yet read this book, I totally recommend it, but please be forewarned, you need a box of tissue�.and try to avoid it on the treadmill, it is a little embarrassing having people look at you wondering why you are crying� they must have thought that I really hate working out or something, hehe.

My mom couldn�t believe that I read it all today, she said it took her at least a full day, hehe, but she admitted that she too cried when she read it. Man, I love Danielle Steel to begin with, but this book was just so touching� read it, it�s precious.

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