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Vacation Plans
07-30-2003, 9:27 p.m.

Stephen�s sister, Delores, called tonight to see if we could switch our vacation next week for Monday-Thursday rather than Tuesday-Friday. She asked why we picked Tuesday-Friday and I really didn�t know, I think Kevin and Nicole picked those dates, hehe. So I called Nicole and asked her, and she is going to talk to Kevin.. I guess it is not his week (at least not until Thursday) to have the kids, but he asked Tracy (his ex) to have them those 2 extra days and now they will have to ask for an extra. But Delores has to work Thursday night, so either way she is only staying until Thursday.. Stephen said that we should go Monday no matter what Kev and Nic want to do, but the whole point was doing this together, so I don�t know. I also found out that Gerald and Michelle and their kids are not going now anyway.. Michelle has to work, and Gerald had surgery on his knee earlier this month and just doesn�t feel like he can manage that much time driving, and plus it would be too hard to walk around six flags anyway� Stephen�s parents also decided not to go, since it would be too hard on his dad. I guess that Kevin and Nicole also decided not to take Lil Kev, since he will just complain the whole time without Jake and Eric there, and besides he would have to miss football practice all week and doesn�t want to, but they asked Gerald and Michelle if they could take Amy. Chrissy and June are going to love that.. and it will be fun. I am just sorry that it�s not going to be the whole family like we planned, but I am still really looking forward to it though, a lot� no matter if we go Monday or Tuesday, it�s just going to be nice to go.

I started getting stuff ready for our crop Friday night. I am really excited about taking the girls, but boy is it a lot of work having to get stuff ready for them as well as myself. Heck, I have a hard enough time getting stuff for myself most of the time, lol. I had to print out some pictures for June to work on, and I still have to figure out what I want to work on. I guess I should call Chrissy and see if she needs any pictures. Maybe this was a little more than I thought it was going to be, workwise.. hehe. They are really excited about it though, and that makes me smile. They are mostly excited about St. Louis though, and keep calling me about it. I am glad that we get chances to take them on vacations, and that they enjoy it so much. 2 more days of work and then I am on vacation!!!! I love vacation, especially with Stephen, so this is going to be a really nice week. I still cannot believe though that it's almost August and time for vacation. Where the heck did this summer go anyway.

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