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Anniversaries and Vaccum Cleaners

Anniversaries and Vaccum Cleaners...

August 05, 2001

Today is Sherry and Chuck's 1st Anniversary. It is hard to believe that it's already been a year since their wedding, but then in ways it's hard to believe that they've only been married for a year. It is funny how that works. It's the same for Stephen and I. Our 10th anniversary will be in November and I stop and think, wow, 10 years already... but then I realize that I can't even remember what it feels like not to be married to Stephen. Like we've been married forever. Still, the first one was exciting and I am happy for Sherry and Chuck, and wish them many more happy years.

Chrissy and June were excited about it, and we spent some time today making them cards and stuff. It was fun, and they really loved them when the girls gave them to them. They came this evening to pick up the girls, and we spent a little time celebrating before they left.

Yup, the girls are gone, sigh. I miss them so much already. I guess that is just part of my life... having them on a part time basis and missing them when they are gone. I hate the missing them part, but I would hate to give up the having them part, so I just accept it and live. We had a great time the past 2 plus weeks, and I am glad that we had the time together.

Today, we went to the movies, to see the Princess Diaries. What a cute movie. They loved it, and I have to admit that I really kinda liked it too. LOL. It was cute.

I also bought a new vaccum cleaner today. God, that is one thing I hate having to spend money on, but I needed it. Lately, even after I vaccum, my carpet doesn't look clean, and I could't figure it out. So today, I checked the bag, to find that it was totally empty. Seems that the vaccum wasn't sucking right... took me over an hour to clean out the clogs, and to figure out that I wasn't going to figure out what was wrong with it, so I just went and got a new one. I like it actually, and Stephen did too. It does a much better job than the old one (obviously, lol), but even when the other one was working, it wasn't as good as the new one. I didn't spend too much money on it either, so I won't complain. Still, I could think of lot's of things I would rather spend it on. The funny part, I broke the new one within 5 minutes of having it... ugggghhh, don't ask... but Sherry and Chuck were already here, so they took it back and exchanged it for me. So I guess I got 2 new vacuum's today, LOL. Let's hope the second one lasts longer than the first. Well it already has.

Back to work tomorrow. Oh yay! Hope that I can get to sleep tonight. Ever since Jen and Tonya were here, I've gotten into the habit of staying up until 1 or so in the morning. I so need to get back on schedule. A few days of being so tired at work should do it. Back to normal, here I come....

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