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Another Vacation Over

Another Vacation Over...

August 06, 2001

3 weeks, wow, that is the first time I've taken that much time off in a row, but boy was it wonderful. It was so nice to have that much time off, and it was just the perfect amount of time. Everyone told me that they thought that I would have a hard time going back to work today, but really, I didn't. It was actually pretty easy. Maybe it was because everyone was so happy to see me, and acted like they really missed me, but I actually had a great day at work, and was happy to be there. I think that it felt good just to have life be back to normal.

I thought that I would be incredibly busy today, but I really wasn't. They had the temp do a lot of the busy work while I was gone, but she is not someone I wish to talk about at the moment. I cannot believe how much stuff she changed around in my office and on my computer. What the heck, she knew she would only be there a while, why did she have to change things like that. I would NEVER do that to someone else's office/computer. I just don't get it. That was the only downer of my day, having to fix everything back to the way I like it. Other than that, I had a great day.

Princess Shadow Kitty is sick. She has a cold, and has been sneezing for a few days. She had this once before too, and the vet says that as long as she is eating alright and doesn't seem dehydrated that it is okay, to just love on her lots and treat her well. She is eating well, maybe not as much as normal, but still enough for a cat... LOL.. she usually eats enough for 2 cats. Aside from the sneezing and the extra sleep, she seems normal. I am worried though, I don't like it when she isn't feeling well. They said it could last 10-14 days, ughhhh, I don't know if I can last that long. LOL, you should see me when Chrissy and June or Stephen are sick, I am a million times worse.

Okay, I am sooooooo tired. I wanted to take a nap so bad earlier, but I held out so I could just go to bed early and now it's already after 10. I think I am going to lay down with my book and pet Shadow for a while. Bet I am out before I know it. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.. okay, not that fast.

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