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A Suprise Date

A Suprise Date...

August 07, 2001

A little before 3 today, Stephen called me and asked if I thought I would be able to leave a little early today. I asked him why, and he said because he wanted to take his girl to the movies. Awwww, first of all, Stephen rarely asks me to go to the movies. He really is not a big fan of the movie theatre, he would much rather rent movies and watch them at home. Don't get me wrong, he will go with me, if I ask him, but like I said, it's rarely him to suggests it. So I was more than happy to ask if I could leave. I was done with my work for the day anyway, and my boss was getting ready to leave as well, so he was all too happy to say, sure, have fun.

We went to see Rush Hour 2, which was excellent. It was so funny and we had a great time. Stephen even cuddled up with me during the movie, hehe, and was all lovey dovey. We had so much fun together. I am so glad that he thought of going. I asked him how come, especially since we have gone to the movies three other times in the past few weeks (with Chrissy and June), but he said that he couldn't remember the last time we went alone, and he just wanted to spend some alone time with me... awwwwwwww, I love him to pieces. He is such a sweetie sometimes.

I was planning on working on my scrapbook stuff tonight, but for some reason, I am just soooooo tired. Stephen said that he is suprised that I haven't taken a nap, LOL, but I think that I am determined to show him that I don't need no stinking nap, just because I was on vacation for 3 weeks doesn't mean I got soft, snicker. I am going to lay down and watch a movie and if I happen to fall asleep early, well nothing wrong with that, right, hehe.

Only a few weeks until Jen moves here. Boy, I am so excited about that. I asked her to come for dinner on the night that they fly in. I think she might...I hope so, since the airport is all of 5 minutes from my house, and since I would love to see her on her first day here. You know, make it special, giggle. I love that we will be able to have dinner together now.. or lunch... or shopping (okay, Jen hates shopping, but that is so not the point). Our friendship is going to be on a totally different level now... I can't wait!!

Speaking of can't wait... I am going to see Cory this weekend. I haven't seen her in a few weeks now, which is so unlike us. I can't wait to see her!

Oh Oh Oh, and we picked a weekend to meet Tonya in Ohio. Now that I totally can't wait for either. We are going to have so much fun. I miss her bunches too. So many fun things to look forward to... yippee.

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