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So Many Plans

So Many Plans...

August 08, 2001

What am I, nuts??? We have so many plans coming up, and I am starting to get a little anxious about them all, and not in a good way. You know that anxious feeling, where you are like, how in the heck am I going to be able to do all of this. Sometimes you just have to say, okay, I can't do it all. Let's see. Just this weekend, it's going to be way too hectic. On Saturday we have Stephen's family picnic. Then I am supposed to go to my mom's for the night.. then Sunday, get up early to get Stephen home for his game, go to his cousin's bridal shower and then to a play for work. HOW IN THE HECK CAN I DO ALL THAT? I think that it's time to reevaluate this all and admit that we are just going to have to pick and choose. Unfortunately, the family stuff is a little harder to get out of, so I think that it's the play for work that is going to get tossed out. It would have been fun to do this with everyone from work, but well, family first. I mean, really, how much fun am I going to have if I am just so totally stressed out?

Then, we have so many other plans as well. Let's see. End of September, Jen and I and the girls are all driving to Ohio to meet Tonya and her girls. That is going to be so much fun, and I am really looking forward to that. This is something that I am so not going to give up. Then in October, we have 2 trips planned. The first weekend, we are going to St. Louis with Sherry, Chuck, Chrissy and June. Stephen, Sherry and the girls and I are going to fly there (we found airfare for under 30 bucks), and Chuck is driving. He is leaving earlier than us, so that he can meet us there. What is the point? Well we all wanted to take the girls on their first plane trip, and the price was right. We are just staying in a cheap hotel, so that won't be so bad, and we aren't doing anything expensive while we are there. In fact, Stephen and the girls and I are going to use our Six Flag passes and go to the Six Flags there while Chuck and Sherry go off exploring (they are not Six Flags fans). Then Sunday, we are going to all drive home together, and stop and do some sight seeing. It will be so much fun, and I was so excited when Stephen said that he wanted to go as well.

Then at the end of October, we are going to Vegas for 3 nights. Stephen's brother is getting married (his second marriage) there, although I have no clue why they have to do it in Vegas and cost us all a fortune. Still we've never been to Vegas, and I am looking forward to it. My parents are thinking of going with us too, which would be fun. I hope that they do. Stephen's parents will be there, and so will his sister, and his other brother. I am not certain about their spouses yet, since none of them want to take their kids. Kevin (the one getting married) is taking his kids though, so that will be fun. I am looking forward to the trip, just not the expense of it. Still, it's a nice way to spend our refund check, I guess... LOL, and it is only a few weeks before our own 10th wedding anniversary, so we are planning on celebrating there, and even renewing our vows in a little chapel. Awww, how sweet, LOL, and it was Stephen's idea too!

I wanted to try to get to Virginia to see Tonya in November, and to go to the Wolves game then, since they are playing there, but I have a feeling that with all this other stuff, I just am not going to be able to afford that too. I so need to be realistic, I guess. Maybe in the Spring, that would be fun. We'll see what happens. I do know one thing though, I am all planned out. My mom had wanted us to go on a cruise with them in December, and although I would have loved to, I realize that I am at the point where I just can't plan anything else. If I try to, I told Stephen to just slap me, giggle. I think he will do it too, snicker. Okay, not really, but maybe he should!

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