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Diaryland Annonymous
08-06-2002, 2:55 p.m.

Diaryland Annonymous...

August 06, 2002

I have been thinking a lot lately how behind I have been on everything, and how much time seems to be slipping away from me each day, and I was trying to think of things that I could do to make it easier on myself. One thing I decided to try for a while, is writing in my journal during the day. I am sitting here on the computer at work anyway, so why not go ahead and do it. I am always so afraid that I am going to miss writing about something that way, but then it's not like I can't write about that the next day right. I guess it's all about the timing. This way, I can just pop on at night to update the pic of the day, but that only takes a moment or two anyway.

The thing is.. by the time we get home from work, and I make dinner, eat, clean up and then sit down for a bit before I go for my walk... and then take my walk and get home.. it's already after 9:00, and then I jump on the computer to do my journal entry and by the time I am done with that, all I want to do is go to bed. That doesn't leave me much time for other things. So maybe if I try to get my journal entry done during the day, then I will have a little time to scrap or read or whatever else .. catch up on all the email I get behind on, snicker... that sorta thing. I just have this thing with this journal, that if I know that I didn't add an entry that day, it bugs me until I go and add one. I am addicted to diaryland. There ya go.. I need Diaryland Annonymous. Seriously though, I love my journal, and I love keeping it updated, because I do so enjoy going back and re-reading it later. If that makes me addicted, then so be it, I can think of many worse things to be addicted to.

There are so many things that I do need to catch up on, at home. We want to paint and redecorate our room, and move things around. We also need to do some cleaning in a lot of areas, and I have so many sewing projects I need to do. I so need to get back on track with all that sort of thing. I am having panic attacks lately about how behind I am with just about everything. We have had the girls a lot the past 2 months as well, and that always throws me off track, because we really enjoy spending time with them, and I would rather just hang out with them than do anything else. I don't know what will happen when we have our own kids, I will never get anything done.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I have been getting so many compliments the past 2 days about my weight and stuff.. that really gets me going, and makes me even more motivated. It's funny how a few compliments than make you want to work harder to get some more. They are addictive I think.
  2. Today while I was working out, I ran out of water and ran out of the room to get some and I saw a student that I haven't seen in a few months.. and I said Hi to her.. she looked and me and said, OMG, I almost didn't recognize you, you look so different. That was such an awesome moment... I almost didn't recognize you.. those are great words to hear when you are trying to change how you look, lol.
  3. We are taking the girls home tomorrow night. I am so going to miss them. I was going to take them tonight, but they wanted to stay an extra night... hehe, ok. We are going to go visit my MIL for a bit tonight. I made beef stew in the crockpot today, so at least I won't have to make dinner, yay.. that will save me some time...
  4. I just talked to my mom. I think she was going to ask me to come over for the weekend, but I really have some stuff I want to get done around the house. I tell you, I love going over there, but it really takes away most of the weekend, and the time that I should be using to clean my house and catch up on the things that you just can't do during the week. I know she understands that, and that she isn't making me feel guilty, but sometimes I do nonetheless. I guess it's all about priorities though. I want to get some stuff done this weekend since the girls won't be around, and I would like to see Stephen's game on Sunday too.. so that's the plan.
  5. Cory is going to come out to work for lunch on Friday, yay. I miss her a lot and can't wait to see her.

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