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Too Much Work
08-07-2002, 10:53 a.m.

Too Much Work...

August 07, 2002

On the way home from work yesterday, I say to Stephen� Okay honey, we can switch the rooms around if you really want to still. That was my first mistake. He has really been wanting to move our bedroom into the big room, and move all my craft stuff into the room that was our bedroom. I knew that it would be nice and that I would like it, but all I could see is how much work it was going to be. But well, I decided that I would do it. He said, when?? tonight??� Sure, I said. That was my second mistake, giggle.

Okay, so it really wasn�t a mistake per se, but it was a lot of work, and there is still so much to do. We got home from work around 5 and ate dinner quickly. Then we got to work, and we worked and worked and worked until about 10. I tell you, you don�t realize just how much junk you really have until you go to move it all. Then it just never seems to end. I threw a lot of stuff away, and probably should have thrown a lot more away with it. We ended up getting the bedroom done, and the girls bedroom done, but my craft room is piled high with junk. It is going to take me days (no make that weeks) to get that room organized again. I plan on throwing out a lot more stuff while I am at it though. I am such a pack rat, but this is ridiculous.. it�s so time for this crap to go.

I really do like our bedroom in the bigger room though. We used to have it in there, and I don�t know why we changed it� well, because we wanted to use the bigger room as a family room, but really, it�s nice to have a bigger bedroom, especially since we do spend a lot of time in there. Well.. we don�t have the computer in our room anymore though, so maybe we will spend less time in there, but still it is nice. I can�t wait to paint it and get it decorated the way I want to now, but that is going to have to wait until after my weekend in Tennessee. Maybe the long labor day weekend.. yah, there ya go, spend a long weekend working, that�s just what we should do, snicker.

I am really looking forward to the weekend in TN though. That is going to be so much fun. I am cracking up though, because I have had so many people tell me.. oh we looked at that hotel to stay at, it�s so romantic looking� or we were going to go there for our honeymoon, that sorta thing.. and I laugh because it�s going to be Tonya and I. I think that we will be the only non-couple in the place, snicker. Nah, they get lots of families too, I guess. It is just funny hearing everyone say how romantic it is.. Hey Tonny, wanna be romantic together? LOL.

We really are going to have lots of fun.. we decided that on Friday, we are going to drive around and check out some of the little shops and stuff. I want to go back to the Christmas village too. Then we are going to check into the hotel, and look around there a bit, settle in, maybe take a swim� then it�s off to play miniature golf or something equally silly and fun. On Saturday, we are going to get up and have a nice hearty breakfast, and then it is off for a long hike to the waterfalls. That is going to be totally fun, and I can�t wait to hike in the mountains. I bet we will get tons of awesome pictures too. Gotta have awesome pictures, that is just a prerequisite for a good trip. Then Sunday it is back home. It is going to go by so quickly, but it will be so much fun too.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Stephen took the day off today to hang out with the girls. He is going to bring them to me up at work around 3 or so, so that I don�t have to go all the way home before I take them home. I am sooooo glad he decided to do that, because it will cut my time in the car by almost half. Thank you honey. I am so going to hate taking them home though, cause I always miss them when they are gone.. then again though, sometimes it is nice to just get back on schedule with everything else. And there is always the being able to have sex more often without being quiet factor, giggle. Okay, I hate taking them home, but try to find reasons that it is okay.. it doesn�t always work.
  2. We never did get over to see Stephen�s parents last night, but we were kinda busy. We are having dinner with them on Thursday though, and Stephen and the girls are going over there today to do a few things for her, so it worked out okay.
  3. Hey Cory, have fun with your delightful lunch today� hope it is a success.
  4. Hey Tonny, I am going to miss ya.. have a good trip home.. oh wait, I will see you there, giggle. Still I will miss you until then.
  5. Hey Jen, don�t forget to make an appointment with an allergist and find a new dentist�there my job is done, giggle.
  6. Hey Tricia.. you look great� and you don�t even have to pay me to say so, hehe� just no more cookie sabotage.. well, at least not more than once a week, giggle.
  7. My scale said 186 today, woo hoo.. well it said 185 and then 186� I always go with the highest� too bad I only record weight on Saturday� I hope it stays low for then. Okay, I weigh myself almost every day. I can�t help it� it�s an addiction, I seem to have a lot of those.
  8. So far I am loving writing in here in the day. It was so nice not to have to worry about it last night. I think this was a good idea.

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