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For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse...

August 10, 2001

Things in our lives are always changing, sometimes they get better, sometimes they get worse. But we just have to take them as they come and figure them out as best we can. Jen and I talked for a bit tonight, and she said something that on contact hurt me, but upon calming down and thinking about it, I realize that it's not anything that I haven't thought myself... but still it's the hearing it that hurts, or maybe just scares you. She said that she is a little nervous about how our relationship is going to change when she moves here and we actually get to see each other. We've been such close friends for a long time now, but it's always been from a distance, and seeing each other occasionally. This past year, we've gotten to see each other a lot, and that's neat and wonderful.. but will it be way different being close to each other?


But does different always have to be a bad thing?


I personally think that we are going to be just fine. We will take the changes as they come, and our relationship will be different, there is no getting beyond that, but I would like to think that it's going to be different in a better way. I guess that only time will tell, but I have no doubt that we are going to be just fine, and that our friendship will only get better. For Better or for Worse, she is stuck with me. The funny part is that I remember having this same conversation before we talked on the phone the first time, then again before we met in person the first time, LOL. Me thinks that Jen is afraid of friendships. Too bad, she just is going to have to live with it.

I think that all friendships go thru changes. I remember how scared I was to do stuff with Cory the first few times too. How afraid I was that we wouldn't have anything to say to each other and that it would be akward. Now we can sit in a room and not say anything, and there is no akwardness at all. I am so excited that the three of us are going to be able to do stuff together (the only thing that would make that better was if we could get Tonya to move here, hehe, working on that one). But the thing is, is that I know that I am going to have fun still doing stuff alone with Cory, and now getting to do stuff alone with Jen. I used to complain that I only had Sherry to do stuff with.. now my cup overfloweth.. giggle... and boy do I love it!

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