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Baseball and Other Stuff

Baseball and Other Stuff...

August 10, 2001

I am sitting here watching baseball with Tonya. LOL, yup, all these miles away and we are watching it together. I mentioned that the Sox game was starting on WGN, which she gets, so she put it on, and now we are analyzing the game while we are talking, LOL. This is fun. I could get used to this, hehe.

So we got our tickets for Vegas today. Well we didn't get them yet, but we booked it. We should have our actually tickets in 2-3 days. I am really so much more excited now than I thought I would be. At first I was just like, yah, okay, Vegas for Kev's wedding. Now that I booked it, it seems more real, and I am really excited. Neither Stephen nor I have ever been there, and we've both always wanted to go, so it really should be tons of fun. We are going in October, from the 19-22nd. Woo hoo!

Sherry and the girls picked me up from work today and took me out to lunch. We had a great lunch and really enjoued ourselves. She took us to my favorite restaurant near work... oh yum!!! Then, since my boss had taken half the day off, and I had already finished all the work he left me, I just took the rest of the day off too, giggle. Sherry drove me home, although she kept asking me if I wanted to drive (they got a new van), but I really wasn't feeling well, so I passed.

They hung out for a little while, and when they left, I cleaned the house a little bit. Not really, just mostly picked up a little, and did the dishes, but it looked much better anyway. Then I laid down to read for a little bit, because I really was feeling awful. Shadow came and laid down with me, and we both passed out in seconds, hehe. Stephen said we looked so cute napping together. I felt a little better when I woke up, but still not great.

When I got up, I went over to visit with my in laws for a little bit and to get information for tomorrow's family picnic. Stephen had gone over there earlier to cut their grass, so he didn't go with me. I love that I can go over there to hang out with them, even without Stephen. It was nice :) They booked their Vegas tickets too, and we got the same flights, woo hoo. Delores is going with us too, although she is going alone. Her husband is staying home to watch the kids. Kevin, Nicole and the kids are leaving a few days before th rest of us, and who knows what Gerald and Michelle are doing. They always wait until the last minute, LOL. It should be lots of fun!!

Well back to baseball! I was supposed to be grocery shopping for the picnic tomorrow, but I think I will wait until the morning. Stephen and Jen both said that I am not allowed to curl my hair tomorrow.. gee, I wonder why. Couldn't be that for the family picnic last year, I poked my eye with a hot curling iron, and ended up in the emergency room, and in pain and unable to see for weeks.. Nah couldn't be that...

Oh, and a good thing.. Princess Shadow Kitty is feeling better. She is still occasionally sneezing, but nothing like before, and you can just tell she is feeling better. She is back to normal.. and acting normal.. Oh and her nose is back to being wet and cold, hehe... which she has been rubbing on my feet, the big goof... I am so glad she is feeling better though!!

The Sox are winning... Woo hoo... they are playing Seattle, who have like the best record this season, so this is a big game for them to win. Hope they can pull it out!

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