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Family Picnic

Family Picnic...

August 11, 2001

Today was Stephen's families annual Family Picnic. It is his mom's side of the family, which is pretty big. His mom has 16 brothers and sisters, and with all their kids, and their kids, you can imagine how big it can be. There are usually between 80-100 people there each year. Not everyone comes every year, although I have to say that we've gone almost every year since we've been married. We probably missed only 1 or 2, I think.

It is held out at the Forest Perserves, the same place every year, and it's really a lot of fun. I have to say that I enjoy myself, very much, and Stephen, well he looks forward to it each year. I will never forget the first one I went to, when Stephen and I were first dating, talk about overwhemling, LOL. That's a whole entry in itself.

Today was a nice day, the weather was nice, although a little bit warmer than they predicted. Still it was sunny and nice. Chuck brought Chrissy and June out for a few hours too, well he stayed a while, then left a while, and then came back to get them. I was so glad that they got to come. They have been going since they were babies, and have always loved it. I love Stephen's mom's side of the family, they are so down to earth and fun.

Let's see, what did we do. Well, they have a horse shoe competition every year. Stephen and his cousin Patsy-Ann got paired up (they pick numbers to get partners), and I was teasing them that they wouldn't make it past the first round. They did though, in fact they made it to the third, but then they lost, bummer... they could have won over a hundred bucks, hehe.

They also have an egg toss, well a couple. One for the kids, and one for the adults. I was going to be Stephen's partner for the one, but his cousin's boyfriend didn't have a partner, so I sat out, which was no big deal to me, who wants to get full of raw egg anyway, snicker. Then when the kids were doing there, my little niece Kimberly didn't have a partner, so she begged me to be hers. Okayyyyy, I was the only adult in the kid's egg toss. How cute, LOL. We lost to the boys, LOL.. oh well, it was fun anyway.

The girls had me walking all over the woods with them too, since they are still not quite old enough to go by themselves. Oh that was fun, in my sandels.. I do so need to remember to wear gym shoes next year, LOL. Still it was fun, and I of course got tons of pictures.

We also won tons of stuff in the raffles they have every year. His aunt spends all year long getting really nice gifts for the kids games and for the adult raffle. You get a ticket when you get there, and everyone always teases that our family wins all the prizes, which we usually to get alot, but there are a lot of us too, LOL. The kids got tons of stuff too, they litterally had about 300 gifts for them to choose from, if not more. They each have about 20 things. Just what they needed, hehe, not! Not to mention all the candy they got from the pinatas. Boy, everyone really has a good time at the picnics.. the kids and adults alike.

I am soooooo exhausted though, and I think that it's going to be an eary to bed for a Saturday night, night. Tomorrow we have a bridal shower for one of Stephen's cousins. The funny part is everyone I saw today will be there tomorrow too, LOL. Well all the women anyway. Michelle and I are going to go together, so that will be nice. Sometimes I like having lots of family...

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