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Support System
08-14-2002, 2:25 p.m.

Support System...

August 14, 2002

One of the most important aspects in many areas of life is the support that we receive from those we love. Support helps us achieve our goals.. it makes the hard times in our life a little bit easier and it is beneficial to our success. What makes me bring this up? I have been thinking about it today, and I really think that I am very lucky to have the support of some wonderful people. My parents, my husband, my friends, and so on. In the past seven months, I have been working on bettering myself, my life.. and I know that I would not be where I am today without the support that I have received in the process.

I mentioned in an earlier entry that things have been going well on our Better4life email list. This is so important to me, because this is one of my greatest sources of support. I realize that a lot of my recent entries end up being about my goals, my progress and such, but it is such a big part of my life lately and therefore it is something that I want to talk about, want to think about, and so it finds it�s way here often. I hope that I am not boring anyone, but then again, I am not writing this for anyone but myself, so I guess that I shouldn�t care who I am boring. I still do though. Anyway, back to the list. I really have been enjoying how much people are starting to participate now. I enjoy going there to read the messages, and to hear from these people who have become a big part of my life. Not to mention it really lends a lot of support into my life� support that I really need. I need to be accountable for what I do, even if that doesn�t sound right.. I need someone to watch me and if they see me slacking off, say.. hey, look, you are going backwards� I think that from some people, that might make me feel defensive, but not when it comes from these ladies� because they are there too, and they want to succeed every bit as badly as I do.

Cory and I had a really nice discussion on this very subject today. I think that sometimes I tend to not think about what other people need in this, and just assume that what I need is what everyone needs. Therefore, it is good to stop and listen once in a while� so that you can give your friends the exact support that they need, and that they want. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am glad that I have friends that I can really talk to, friends that I can say anything to. I hope to never take that for granted, or to forget how lucky I am to have friends like that.

So today is the Faculty Senate meeting. I laughed earlier, because I am not even completely ready for it, and yet I feel so laid back and relaxed. What a difference from just a few months ago, when I fretted for a week about these meetings. I know that it will be fine and whatever happens, happens. I don�t worry about them, I just do the work, and hope it turns out good� hehe.

I am soooo tired today though, I hope that I don�t fall asleep in the middle of a boring meeting. Jen spent the night last night, and while we didn�t stay up too late, I did cuddle with Stephen after Jen went to bed, and probably didn�t go to sleep until about midnight, so when the alarm clock went off at 5 this morning, I sorta wanted to throw it thru the wall. Still, I got up, cheerfully despite being tired, and got ready to take Jen to the airport.. it was nice to be able to see her off, and I hope that she has a great time in Charlotte and that I hear from her often while she was gone. My original plan had been to get dressed for work before I took her and then go to work early, but I decided that I would just sleep a little later, then take her and then go home (which is about 10 minutes from the airport), get dressed and go to work. What I did instead was take her, go to the gym (got there at 6 when they opened, oh boy).. and then home to shower and get dressed and then to work. So it�s been a full day, and it just keeps getting longer and longer. The meeting is from 4-whenever, probably around 6ish, so I am glad that I got my workout in this morning. Actually, it was kinda neat getting it done so early, and I might do the same tomorrow since I won�t get a chance to do it during the day then either. It depends on how early I get to bed tonight, lol. Honestly though, I feel so strange, I don�t know how to explain it.. it�s like it was so early that it feels like it wasn�t even today or something, lol.. okay, I said it was hard to explain.

Speaking of the club� I love being a member of it. I went last night and took my first class. Beginners Step!! It was only half an hour and it was pretty awkward (just because I am not sure of the moves and would get confused), but I totally loved it, and can see myself taking more classes. I am so glad that I joined. I didn�t want to go to the class last night, but Stephen told me that it really seemed like I wanted to go and that I should at least try.. so I decided that I would make myself a deal.. I could go get my eyebrows waxed first, and then go to the class.. they were both painful things, but they both left me feeling great, hehe. I really am glad I did it, and they say the first one is the hardest, so now it should get more easy.. hopefully. With the awesome support system that I have, I know I could do just about anything!

Daily Tidbits

  1. Cory needs a dress for the wedding she is attending next Friday� and she said she wanted to go shopping in woodfield.. well that is where our class is tomorrow, so I said too bad you couldn�t get half the day off so we could go together. Before you knew it, we both had the afternoon off tomorrow and we have plans to shop, hehe. I am really excited and looking forward to spending the whole afternoon AND evening with Cory. We will meet up to shop and have dinner and then we are meeting Jess and Tricia for our class, another thing that I am way excited about.
  2. My new printer came last night, yay, and it work wonderfully and they even sent me brand new print cartridges, which I was almost out of.. .so that was cool. I have to stop tonight to ship back the broken one.. I am just glad to have a working printer again.
  3. My boss is driving me nuts again.. with this manuscript that he is totally being anal about. I know it�s important to him, and for him.. and I am not complaining, not really.. but it certainly has kept me very busy and I can�t wait for it to be sent out, hopefully today since he just gave me some final changes to do. I mostly hate that they totally stand over me.. like that helps.. not. It�s not just him either, it�s Celeste too, so that I have both of them breathing down my neck.. but not even when I am supposed to be doing my part, but when the other has their own part to do too, lol. I told them to get away from me, they make me nervous. How is that for direct.
  4. Okay, I still need to make copies for the meeting today and all this other stuff, so I would say that this is long enough. Have a great day everyone, and thanks for reading!

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