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Sleepy Weather

Sleepy Weather...

August 16, 2001

I could use a nap, badly. I am so sleepy today that I can barely keep my eyes open. It must be this gloomy day that we are having. I am most certainly a fan of the sun, hehe.

I don't think that I have done much work today at all. Let's see, traffic was horrible this morning, so it took us forever to get to work. Then when we got here, I only had a little while until I had to go to a town hall meeting. After that, they had the opening of our new building (talk about beautiful), so we went on a tour of that. By that time it was lunch time, so I ran to the post office to mail a swap package, and then I ran out to get lunch for Stephen and I. By the time I got back and ate, most of the day was over. Okay, not most of it, but a pretty good portion. Gotta love it when the boss is out of town, that is for sure.

Now the afternoon is going sooooo slow and I don't even know when we are going to be able to leave for home since Stephen is proctoring an exam. I knew I should have brought my own car today, but we were supposed to have our weekly dinner with his parents tonight, so we drove together. Now, they called and asked us to come tomorrow instead, so guess what? I am stuck here for nothing. LOL. Not that I would have left early, but I still wouldn't have stayed late either. Gotta take advantage of the few short weeks that I have before classes start again. Then comes me actually having to really work.. Oh no.. not that, snicker.

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. This week has gone by much more quickly than last week did. Over the weekend, I am going to go visit my mom and go to Grayslake Days with her, but I am not sure when I am going to go over. Ideally, I wanted to wait until Saturday morning, and then come home on Sunday morning, but she really wants me to come Friday night. I think I would rather wait, but we'll see what happens, and how I feel tomorrow. Still it will be nice to spend some time with her since it's been a few weeks since I've been over there. Summers and weekends are always a busy time for me.

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