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Just Normal

Just Normal...

August 17, 2001

So I was bored this afternoon, and started looking around here at Diaryland, and I was checking to see who has been reading this thing, when I come across someone who has me on her favorites list. Under my name she has the comment, Just Normal. That really got me to thinking. Just Normal.. is that how I come across? Nothing extraordinary, just normal. I have a huge smile on my face at this point.

I mean, I look at myself, at my life sometimes and I think when do things just start being normal. But maybe for someone else, looking in, they are just that. What is normal anyway? Maybe that is something to think about!

I have so much that I want to get done at home, and yet I haven't had the time nor the inclination to do any of it. I think that I have spent more time laying in bed either reading or watching TV in the past week, than I have spent in the whole previous month. Sometimes it's a good thing to allow yourself the time to just do nothing, but sometimes it's a little too normal if you ask me. I think that tonight I will start cleaning up a little bit. Not that my house is a mess or anything like that, but I do want to get some of the non-every-day crap done before Jen and Don and the kids come for dinner on Wednesday.

I thought that I would be way more excited about that coming up. I wonder how I can be so calm right now. Jen and I have been talking for years about how wonderful it would be if we could live close to each other, and here we are getting within 50 miles of one another, and I can't believe it's happening. It's like it is only something you talk about, something that will never really happen. Yet, there is Don, already there, working... there is the house that they will be closing on in a few weeks... and here they will be in just half a week... what is it going to take to seem real? I keep thinking that I am going to get excited about it, and something is going to happen or someone is going to say... oops, it was a joke. Ha ha, not a funny one I tell ya. I bet ya that Tuesday night, I will be bouncing off the walls. Things are a changing... wonder how long it will take for that to be just normal.

Sherry and the girls left this morning to visit Margie, Paul and the kids in Minnesota. She really wanted me to go with them, and quite honestly I would have loved to go. I really would have enjoyed spending time with Margie and with Joey and Jessica, and I would have really liked going to the Mall of America while we were there but let's face it.. I just had 3 weeks off, and I just booked a trip to Vegas in October. I just don't think that I should be taking more time off. Plus, there is always next time.

Stephen is having such a hard time at work. He always does at this time of year, when he has to get a million and a half things done, and doesn't have all that long to do them. It of course makes him very crabby and irritable, and I need to learn to not take the so personally. Sometimes I really need to work on giving people the space they need, and I need to accept that I can't make everything better for them. I mean, it happens everytime each year at this time. How more normal can you get.

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