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The Cake Hunt

The Cake Hunt...

August 18, 2001

I am getting ready to leave for my mom's house to spend the day with her. We are going to go to Grayslake Days, which is the local fair for her little town. We have been going every year since she moved in, and she loves it. I haven't spent much time with her lately, so I am going to love that. I also need to shop sometime this weekend to get a birthday gift for my mother-in-law, although I am still at a loss as what I am going to get her.

I was talking to her last night, about my future-SIL's upcoming bridal shower and that sort of thing. When we were getting ready to hang up, I asked her what was going on for Monday (her birthday) and told her that Stephen and I would be over after work. Well she said that she was sure that everyone would be coming over and that she was going to get a cake. HELLO! I said you are not getting your own cake on your birthday Liz. She said, funny, Nicki (above mentioned future SIL) was here a little while ago and said the same thing, but of course she never offered to bring one then. I laughed, and said, well I am not offering either, I am telling you that I will bring the cake. You are not getting your own birthday cake. She said, but I want this special kind. I told her to tell me what she wanted and I would get it. Well, turns out the bakery has no clue what she is talking about, LMAO. Isn't that just my luck? So now I am on the search for a Swedish Torte, and I have no clue what it is. This is going to be fun. Stephen said that I should call her and tell her to order exactly what she wants at the bakery and we will pick it up and pay for it... but I would like to do this on my own. I don't know though, I just couldn't find anything about it on the internet either... so maybe she might be ordering it herself. I will try a few more things first. Oh boy.

Well I told my mom that I would be over early today and time is already flying by so I best get a move on. She wanted me to come last night, and I didn't, so if I get there too late today she will be pretty disappointed. Have a great day everyone!

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