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Just a Sunday Night

Just a Sunday Night...

August 19, 2001

I have had a very nice weekend, and I could write lots and lots about it, but as I am on most Sunday nights, I am tired, so I will just write until I can't write anymore, and leave it at that. I wonder why it is Sunday that I am so tired. Maybe cause I go go go all week long, and Sunday nights I sit and realize that it all starts again the next day. Or maybe it is just that Monday's are so tiring, and just thinking about it makes you tired. I don't know, and I really don't care.. it's just a part of life.

Mom and I had a really nice girl day yesterday. It was rather icky in the morning, so we decided to do an inside thing, and we headed for the movies. We saw Captain Correli's Mandolin, which was actually very good, but also pretty sad. I often cry at commercials though, so I might not be that great a judge on this, hehe.

After the movies, we shopped a little bit, and then headed over to the fair. We waited for my dad to meet us over there to eat, so we shopped at the little craft booths for a while. I found a beautiful gift for my MILs birthday tomorrow, a bracelet with the birthstones of all 11 of her grandchildren. They will even add birthstones of future grandchildren, awww. I hope she loves it. I also ordered her cake that she wanted, so that's good, and I am looking forward to going over there tomorrow, especially since she doesn't know that everyone will be there. She deserves a special day, and I am glad she is getting it.

Today was a nice day too. The weather was icky in the morning, again... and I didn't get the early start I wanted, but okay, I can handle that. Mom wanted me to go shopping with her for a bit, so I did... but we got caught coming back by the parade that they have with Grayslake Days. Uggghhh, I should have known better, I got stuck there last year too, the same way. Since we couldn't get back to her house for a while, we made the best of it, and parked and watched the parade and had some food at the fair grounds. Hey, if you can't beat them, join them. We finally made it back to her house, and I was able to get my stuff and then head to Cory's for a bit. I am so glad that I got to see her for a while. Sometimes I forget how nice it is just to spend a few quiet moments with friends. We just talked shop (scrapbook stuff) for a bit, hehe, and I headed home after not too long, since I still needed to help Stephen get some stuff that he needed for work. I called him when I was almost home and he met me at the store, and we were able to get most of what he needed, so that was a good thing. Then I did a little grocery shopping to get some stuff we needed, and to get the stuff for dinner on Wednesday (when Jen and her family come, yay). We had stir fry tonight for dinner, and it was yummy, but man, I keep thinking about the sauce that Cory was making today. It smelled soooo good. I think I would have liked some of that.. she makes the best sauce.

Well I wrote much more than I anticipated. I really am sleepy, and it's getting kinda late. I worked on my scrapbooking this evening, and while I got lots done, the time sorta slipped away too. Just another Sunday night... somethings never change, and I think I like it that way!

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