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Birthday Party

Birthday Party...

August 20, 2001

Today is my MIL's 62nd Birthday. Happy Birthday Mom (smile).

Here is a cute story. When Stephen was growing up, they used to celebrate his mom's birthday on August 24th.. that was her birthday... until about 8 years ago, when she found her birth certificate and found out that her birthday was really August 20th. DUH! Now we all get confused trying to remember just when her birthday is, and at least one of us usually forgets every year... but this year, we all rememberd, and we all had a great time.

I left work about 3:30 so that I could stop and pick up her cake. I was glad that I got one for her, I know it meant a lot to her. I got over there about 4:30, and Delores was already there. We all had a really nice time just talking. Stephen got there a little after 6, and Michelle followed... Kevin and the kids got there about 6:30, just in time for dinner. Gerald had to work late and didn't come until about 8 or so, but we just waited for him to have cake. It was a nice evening and she really enjoyed it. The kids were running all over the place and just having a great time.

She loves the bracelet I got her and put it on right away. It was cute because each of the kids kept asking her, where am I, where am I, and she would have to find their birthstone to show them. I am so glad she liked it, I felt good about that.

Stephen left there about 8:30 so that he could stop and get some stuff he needed for work before the store closed, but I stayed until about 9:30. I love that I am so comfortable with his family. I love that I can go there hours before him and stay hours after him, and it's just like being with my own family, because that is what they are, my family. I always say that I was blessed with in laws, and I really mean that. I love that I get along so well with all of them. It is one big happy family, and when we were all singing Happy Birthday to her, it was just such a wonderful feeling of belonging. I wouldn't give that up for anything.

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