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08-16-2002, 9:00 p.m.


August 16, 2002

How is it that something so simple, as getting hightlights in your hair, can make you feel so much better, so much prettier? Not to mention, it's just a lot of fun to go and have it done.

The last time I had my hair foiled was sometime in March (I could look back thru my entries to find out exactly when, but who cares, lol). It was really grown out, so earlier this week, I just dyed my hair, to take them out. I figured that summer was ending anyway, and I could live without them. Well I have been miserable, hating my hair the past few days and really wanting to get it done. I didn't want to spend so much money on it though, because that is one thing I will not scimp on.. if I am going to do it, I might as well do it right.

Well today I decided that I just can't stand it, and I had to get it done. I asked Stephen if he minded, and he said he thought my hair looked great the way it was, but if it would make me happy to go ahead, so I called and got an appointment for tonight. I am so glad I did too, it looks great!! I love it so much. Since the summer is almost over, I decided to go a little more subtle than I did last time, and I did the highlights only a few shades ligher than my hair color.. almost like a carmel looking blond color. It looks so great!! I really am totally impressed, it looks very natural, but gives my hair so much more of a textured look. AND, since my hair is a bit shorter than it was last time, it was a lot cheaper too... 35 less than it was last time.. I can totally handle that. I was expecting to pay 100 again, but it was only 65. Stephen was certainly glad to hear that too, lol. Men!!

By the time I got done getting my hair done, it was already 7, and I didn't feel like going to the gym and getting my new hair do all sweaty, hehe.. but I did anyway, and I am glad I did. I had a great workout. Although by the time I was done with that, and got home, I had a totally late dinner, and now my tummy hurts.. but I think that is just cause I waited so long to eat, and I really am so tired and not feeling great to begin with. It is so time to go to bed early, I really don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer.. I have been exhausted all week.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I had a computer training class today at work. I had signed up to learn Access.. but I tell you, I think that I am much too computer smart to take group classes. It went so slow and I was so bored. What it took him 3 hours to teach us, I swear I could have learned in 20 minutes. The 2nd part of the class is next Friday and at first I was sad that I was going to have to miss it but now I am not so sad. I will have much more fun in Tennessee... hehe.
  2. I can't believe that a week from now I will be in Tennesee with Tonya. We are going to have such an awesome time. I miss her lately, since I haven't gotten to talk to her much. They are having a great time in TN though and are totally enjoying visiting with their families. I can't wait to see her and the girls though. Only a week now, not even.
  3. I talked to Jen yesterday, and she is another one I really miss. Her mom is doing okay though, and I can tell that it really eases Jen's mind to be there. I am so glad that she got this opportunity. I have been trying to call her kids to check on them for her all week though and I never get an answer, lol.. they must be having parties, snicker...
  4. Tomorrow we are going out to my mom's finally to pick up that entertainment center. I know how excited Stephen is about that, and I am glad that we have Jen's van to go get it. It will be nice to have our room finished (well at least furniture wise, we still have to paint and stuff).
  5. Okay.. bedtime for me....I can't wait to crawl under the covers and close my eyes. Goodnight everyone.

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