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Not the Way it was Planned

Not the Way it was Planned...

August 22, 2001

Okay, so we should have known better to try planning something for a night when Jen was flying AirTran, giggle. I mean, the last time she tried that she was stuck for hours and hours, so why should this time be any different, right? It is now almost 10:00 and she still isn't in Chicago. Hmmmm, I wonder if she will ever get here, maybe it was all a joke and she isn't coming, hehe. Yah, okay, it wasn't.. the poor thing is stuck in Atlanta with 3 bored children, at an airport. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Cory left a little while ago to head home, and I hope she isn't stuck like Jen is, LOL.

So I made this huge dinner, which really didn't turn out as great as normal anyway, so oh well... it goes to waste. At least Cory and Stephen and I enjoyed it, and I know what not to do the next time I make it (mental note: do not use boneless chicken for this recipe again). And really, to be honest, it was a very nice evening regardless.

I still had a headache today, and I wasn't feeling very well at work, so my boss took pity on me and sent me home at noon. I didn't even tell him I wasn't feeling well, I guess it was obvious. I wasn't going to complain though, I had wanted to leave early anyway, since Cory was able to get off of work at 2:00 and was planning on coming straight over. Earlier we had talked about how we wished we had thought about scrapping together tonight, so Cory ran home at lunch time to get her stuff, yay, I was so happy about that.

I stopped to get a few things at the grocery store on my way home. The stuff for a salad (which I didn't even make anyways) and for dessert (which ended up back in the freezer, hehe). Then when I got home I did a few things in the yard, and then came in and made some spinach dip because I know how much Cory likes it. Cory got there shortly after, and we worked on our scrapbooks. Have I mentioned how much I totally enjoy scrapping with Cory. Something about doing it with a friend really makes it so enjoyable. We just have a nice relaxed time, share ideas, talk, laugh, and listen to music (or in this case music videos). I wish that we had more time to do this more often. It was so much fun.

We had a late dinner, since we tried to hold off until we knew for sure that Jen wasn't going to make it in, in time. It eventually became inevitable though, so we went ahead and made dinner. Oh, and we watched a silly movie too... hehe. I had a wonderful time with Cory and it really makes me wish that we lived close enough to do this once a week, or at least every other week... maybe we should at least try once a month. We could take turns doing the driving... it would be worth it.

Well, I just called the airlines again on my cell phone. (They have this automated stuff, and Cory and I were cracking up calling it earlier). Looks like they are finally in the air, and should be here in about an hour. I really wanted to see Jen tonight, but man, I won't get to bed until really late if I go to the airport. Go to the airport, was I even thinking of doing that? I must be... hmmmmm, if I left now, I could keep Don company for a while as well....Maybe....I really want to see her, and she would be there for me... Okay, I am going. This is going to be a long night, giggle. Okay, here I go...

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