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A Nothing Sorta Day

A Nothing Sorta Day...

August 25, 2001

When I woke up this morning, it was to nasty thunderstorms. It kinda stayed that way on and off most of the day. I didn't mind, it was almost nice to have a day without any plans. Jen had called and asked if they could come over tomorrow instead, and really, that was fine. I made Stephen breakfast, and then we took a shower (yes, together, giggle, love those showers), and then I went shopping for a little bit.

I had an interesting shopping trip, ran into someone from my past. Wow, was that strange, but funny in a way. I couldn't wait to get home and call Jen, Tonya and Cory to giggle about it too, LOL. I still laugh thinking about it.

I spent a lot of time on my scrapbooks today too. I finished my 2000 book, YIPPEEEE.. I was so glad about that. I have been working so hard to finish it. I sat and tried to decide which book I wanted to start next, since there are quite a few I need to do. I finally decided to go with my Family Vacations book. I am going to scrap all the family vacations that we take with Stephen's family in there. I guess you can say I am still on 2000, since I started with the trip to the Dells in June of 2000. Then I will put our Ohio pics from last month, and continue from there. I think it is going to be adorable, and it already is. The only really strange thing for me is that it is a 12x12 book, and this is the first time I am using that format. So far, so good. I like it. I just hate that now I have to start buying that size paper more too. Oh yah, I just hate scrapbook shopping so much, giggle. Well, I do hate that it is more expensive than the smaller paper, but what can ya do. So basically, aside from a little shopping, I didn't do much today. It was one of those sort of days I guess. Chuck and the girls called and asked me to go miniature golfing with them this evening, but I was just enjoying my time with Stephen so I took a rain check. Literally it seems, since it started raining again anyway. Not like we would have been able to golf afterall.. LOL

I had a nice letter today from a friend off of the list that I was so upset about. It made me feel so much better. I ended up leaving the group the other night in anger, and maybe that was hasty (I know it was, and I am sorry I did it that way), but I also know that the problems are still there, and that it will probably never be the same. Still, I did make some really great friends there, and that is something I never want to give up. I hope that they know that even though I left the list, I didn't leave them. I think that I will feel much better about all of this in a few days, right now it is still a sore spot. Only time will tell the story I guess.

So Jen and Don and the kids are coming over tomorrow and staying for dinner. I am way excited about that. Stephen has his basketball game in the morning, but he has the early game, so I am thinking he might make it home before they get here. If not, he will get here eventually, hehe. I can't wait to see Jen. Now to find something to make for dinner that her kids will eat. Man, I've never seen a more picky family when it comes to food.. this should be fun, LOL.

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