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Why is it One Problem After Another??

Why is it One Problem After Another?

August 27, 2001

I just don't get it. Why is it that bad stuff keeps happening all the time. I mean, is it really life to just keep going from problem to problem? Tonight has been full of them. Where to start.

Stephen's dad is in the hospital again today. He had several seizures again early this morning, and had to be rushed in. His blood sugars got too low, I guess. Sigh, he is okay, not talking very well right now (which is common after his bouts of seizures), but will be home tomorrow. I worry about him... each one of these bouts leave him worse and worse. I worry even more about Stephen's mom. She tries to pretend to be so strong, tries to take such good care of him and refuses to admit how hard all of this is on her. She refuses to ask any of us for help...she takes it occasionally if we offer it, but she rarely asks for it. I need to remember to ask more. Stephen has been having a horrible night with it. Kevin took him (dad) to the bar yesterday after the game, and then left after a while and Stephen was stuck there, trying to get him to go home. So of course he feels guilty on top of it all, which he should... so should Kevin. They need to start realizing that their dad is not the man he once was, and he can't afford to be sitting in the bar with his sons. His messes up his med levels and eventually this starts happening. I know that Stephen doesn't take him there, I know that... but he doesn't stand up to Kevin about it either. Is it really his responsibility, No, but let's face it, Liz doesn't know how to stand up to it, someone has to! The ironic thing is that I had this conversation with Stephen this morning, telling him, how were they going to feel when his dad ended up back in the hospital after one of these days in the bar, never imagining that he was already there. I hope that they learn from this, before it's too late. I know his dad is the one who begs them to take him there, I know that... but he can't seem to go and have just one.. so someone needs to be the adult here. Okay enough...

Let's see, in other horrible news. Krystal borrowed Stephen's car over the weekend, while she was getting hers fixed. Turns out, she took it to Detroit and proceeded to blow our engine half way there. Wonderful! I am beyond furious and have already informed her that if she doesn't take care of this and make it right, that I am finished with her. I mean that too. So in the meantime, we are left with one car and a whole lot of anger. I don't know what is going to happen. I do know that the car needs a whole new engine, and I do know that Krystal is self-centered enough to just say forget it and take off and not care, leaving it to us to fix. I don't even know where my damn car is, god I am getting madder and madder just thinking about it. I took a long walk tonight after I found out, trying to clear my thoughts. I really mean it when I say that if she doesn't take care of this and fix it, I am finished with her. I don't know how much a person is supposed to take.

I went back to the mailing list that I've been talking about the past few days. Going back wasn't easy, but I am glad I did. For the most part, things are getting back to normal. I hope that this mess is all soon forgotten.

Okay, this has been a day to not remember. Tomorrow can only get better, right?

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