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Another Bad Day

Another Bad Day..

August 28, 2001

Okay so I feel like that is all I am having lately. This one was the worst so far, and I really am not even ready to talk about it all. My mom got into an accident today, but she is okay, so that's okay, except that it was scary and she was so upset...

I don't know what is going to happen with our car, and right now that is the least of my problems...

Stephen and I really had it out today... that's the one I don't want to talk about. We are working it out, and I guess that's good, but boy is the hurt still there a little bit...

I am telling my brother to start looking for someplace to move. I am finished taking care of my siblings. Time to take care of myself and my marriage. Yes, my siblings have been a source of problems for us for a long long time. I have done too much to help them over the years, and it's time for me to let go. I need to do this, I just don't know where to start.

God, grant me the patience to get thru all of these bad days and help me to find my way to the good again. I am tired of always being so upset or sad, I am ready to be happy again. No rush, I am waiting.

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