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Putting it Back Together

Putting it Back Together..

August 29, 2001

Compromise is the word for the day. I feel like I've done so much of it today, and that is a great thing, right. Let's see. Stephen and I did a lot of talking today. He realizes that he was wrong to blame me for the things my siblings do, and I realize that I was wrong to even let him feel that they come first. We compromised on a lot of things, and we both feel so much better. I think that some of the hurt from yesterday will linger for a while, but it's like that with a lot of things. Sometimes we say things that really hurt the people we care about most, and the worst part is that we cannot take it back afterwards. We have to learn to live with it and deal with it. I think that each time we go thru something like this, we get stronger, and that is a good thing. All I know is that I woke up this morning still feeling so bad about it all, and I am going to bed tonight feeling much better. That's a good thing!

We decided not to get the car fixed. It is just not worth putting a whole new engine in it. Instead, Krystal is going to have to work to pay us what it would have cost to put the new engine in and we will use that towards a new car. Well, not a new one, but a new used car. Stephen just does not want another car payment at this point, and he is right, neither do I. I can deal with getting a used car, I don't mind that. At least we compromised on a plan. For the moment though, we are a one car family and that part really sucks. I mean, we will get used to it, we did it for so long before, it's just that well.. sometimes it's not convienent. I wanted so badly to go tonight to this scrapbook party with Cory and I just couldn't because we only have one car. Then again, we had so much to work out still, I probably would have had to take a pass anyway, but man I wanted to go.

I compromised with Sherry and Chuck too. They decided that they didn't want to keep June out that late on Monday night for the Sox game, so they are going to let Chrissy go, and pick her up after the game. I am glad Chrissy gets to go. Then we talked some more and decided that both Chrissy and June can come spend Sunday with us at Jen's house and stuff. That will be nice, and I will be glad to have them. I always miss them when they are not around, and the truth is, I take them every chance I get. They are my girls, and I love them to pieces.

All the rest is starting to come together again too. I am feeling better about it all, and that's a good thing. I guess the bad times certainly make us appreciate the good!

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