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Three Cameras
08-27-2003, 10:48 p.m.

I got up early this morning to go workout, and while I am exhausted tonight, I am also glad that I did, because it gave me a lot more time this evening to get things done. I was able to run out and pick up some of the stuff that I needed. On my list was disposable water cameras, and I wanted to pick up a few of them, since we are doing so much water stuff. Well, when I went to look up an article I read a few weeks ago about the best disposable cameras, I came across and ad for a real water camera� there was one on sale at Wolf Camera for 99 bucks, and since I wanted to get at least 6 or 7 disposable ones at 12.99 each, it really seemed like a good idea to just buy one. For one, you will get such better pictures, especially since you can use better film and stuff. I talked to Stephen about it, and he offered to buy it for me, aww, sniff sniff. So I went this evening and looked at it, and some others, and they showed me some pictures taken from the camera, and how it works and all that, and was sold. So now I have 3 cameras, my digital, my 35mm and now a water camera.. eek, lol. The good thing is I buy a lot of disposable water cameras over each summer, so it will pay for itself in no time. I am glad that I was able to see actual pictures from it too, since there isn�t time to test it out myself.. hehe.

I picked up most of everything else that I needed as well, and even started filling my suitcases tonight. Stephen was laughing at how much I am taking, but 14 days is a long time, even if you do plan on doing laundry while you are there. Besides, I freely admit that I always over pack.. it�s how I am, and I like being that way, so there.

I just got done working on the dress that I am making for my mom. All that I have left to do is hem it and I can do that tomorrow. I also have a dress cut out for me, but who knows if I will get it done or not.. it doesn�t matter either way.. if I do, it�s a bonus, if not, oh well.

Bed time, it sounds so good too. I am so tired, and I want to get up early and get my workout done in the morning again. I liked doing that, and we have so much to do tomorrow night it will just help so much. Besides going to Stephen�s parents for dinner, Sherry, Chuck and the girls are coming over at 8, so I definitely won�t have time tomorrow night. I usually take Thursdays off, but I never got the chance to go on Sunday, so I can�t� man, I hate taking Sundays off, because it�s the first day of the week, and who wants to lose their day off right at the start, hehe.

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