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Unexpected Nap
08-28-2003, 10:09 p.m.

Man, I got up early again this morning, and went to the gym, which is always an awesome thing, but since I haven�t been going to bed any earlier, it�s really caught up with me, and after work today, I was so tired I almost fell asleep on the drive home (Stephen was driving, not me), but we were going to his mom and dad�s for dinner so I didn�t want to sleep. We had a nice time over there, it was our first dinner over since Kevin and Nicole moved in with them, and that was kinda weird. Okay, really weird! But nice, and I even managed to stay on-track with the low-carbs despite what we had. I was impressed that I was able to turn down my favorite French fries in the whole world� that really said a lot to me today.

When we got home, Sherry called to say that they were running a little late, and also that Chuck wasn�t going to come with her. So I sat down to wait for them, and the next thing I know Stephen is waking me up telling me that they are here. They ended up being more than an hour late, so I ended up taking about an hour and a half nap, eek. I guess that I needed it, but I so do not want to be up all night either. I am going to go to bed as soon as I am done writing this, and hope that I am able to fall asleep right away. They didn�t stay long, Chuck called them in a bad mood and Chrissy and June both ended up grounded for a week, because of stuff they did/didn�t do at home, so they were all crabby then. Some visit, lol. Oh well, at least I got to see them.

Work was so insane today, and it is going to be even worse tomorrow.. but I can see the end coming, and it�s not going to get to me tomorrow because I will be just so excited that it�s my last day of work for HALF A MONTH!! Giggle.. I usually don�t take more than a week off at a time, so this is rather luxurious. I am so excited.

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