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Loud Storms and Slot Machines
08-28-2004, 6:00 a.m.

Man, it has been so stormy here the past week, mostly at night, and it has been keeping me up a lot most nights. I woke up this morning at 3 and couldn't go back to sleep because it was storming so loudly. I finally gave up and just watched some of the Olympic events. The bad thing however is that I will probably be up very late tonight, and I am going to be so tired.

I have to start getting ready because I have to be at my MILs house in a little over an hour. We are all heading out to the Quad cities, we being all the girls. We have a baby shower to go to and it is about a 3-4 hour drive, so we are going to all go together. We are then going to spend the night out there, and go gambling at one of the boats tonight. I am looking forward to that, and have been all week. I hate that I didn't sleep well last night though because its going to be rough staying awake.. or maybe not, I know when I am in Vegas just the sights and sounds of the casino keep me going for hours, hehe.

Okay, I guess I better get in the shower now, and I've not even packed yet, although I really don't have much to take, as we are coming home early tomorrow. Wish me luck at the slots, ka-ching. I guess it was the storm that kept me awake last night and tonight it will be the slot machines. Should make for a early night tomorrow night, hehe.

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