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The End of Summer

The End of Summer...

August 31, 2001

I can't believe that tomorrow is already the first of September. I hate it when summer ends in ways, but then in others, Autumn is my very favorite time of year, so it's hard to complain. I just love everything about Autumn, but I will save that for another entry.

Last night we had dinner with Stephen's parents. Before dinner, we stopped to pick up Krystal's van from the shop, since we are holding it hostage until she gives us money towards a new car, and plus it gives us a second car for times that we really need one. So of course when we went to his mom's house with it, the whole subject got brought up. I was glad that they were not treating me any differently, although in my own mind, it was akward. Still, his mom did make a few comments about my sister, and she really was only teasing, but it made me realize something. His whole family is very big on teasing other people. It's not just my family either. They tease about John's family, Michelle's family, they used to tease about Tracy's and now they do about Nicole's. Yet if someone says anything about each one of them, they all jump up and defend each other. Sometimes I get so angry at Stephen for his comments about my family, but last night I realized, how can I expect him to be any different when he grew up like that? Still it doesn't make it right, and it is a definite issue that I need to work out for myself.

Things with Stephen are getting better. He has resigned himself to the fact that he will not get his baby (his car) back. The fact remains, it could have blown while we were driving it, and while my sister had no right to take my car out of town like that, we can't necessarily blame her totally on the engine. Still, she was driving it, and in a place she shouldn't have been, so I am not letting her off the hook on this either. Of course, I haven't heard from her in days though, so who knows, maybe she is back to her normal, could care less self. I give her a month to come up with some money, or I am selling her van, or trading it in, or whatever.

Anyway, Stephen and I have been talking alot the past few days. Well sorta... I don't know. Things are definitely back on track, but I am still struggling with the hurt. He is quick to reassure me that he is not going anywhere, but then again, he is the one who left me feeling this vulnerable too. I know that time is what is going to heal it all, so now we just work thru it and wait. One step at a time, right?

Well, I have to run out to the bank and to pick up Sox tickets for Monday's game, so I am going to take a nice long lunch. My boss already left for the day, and I told him that I planned on taking 2 hours for lunch, and he said, take 3 if you need it. LOL, what a guy. Honestly though, our university president already sent a letter around saying that we could leave a few hours early today, and since I can't because Stephen has to get a ton of stuff done before we go, I might as well take that time at lunch. We are going straight to Cory's tonight for couple's night, and so it would be silly to leave early and go home first anyway. I am looking forward to tonight. I hope we have fun and forget some of the other crap for a while. We have a lot planned for this weekend. I hope it all turns out to be good and not a bad thing. Stephen so hates having a million things planned in a short time, and I don't want to see him getting upset or frustrated with it. Well, like most things in life, only time will tell.

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