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A Day For Us

A Day For Us...

September 01, 2001

Stephen and I have been having a nice relaxing day just for us. We've been hanging out and just enjoying each other, and I think that is what we really needed. I have also been working on my scrapbook stuff while we watched sports together, and it's just been a nice day. I made a pot of *gravy*, giggle, and we had stuffed shells for dinner. Oh yummy!! I feel like Cory, LOL.

We were supposed to go to Stephen's cousin's wedding this evening, but some stuff happened that made us change our mind. Both Stephen's brothers were standing up in the Wedding, and my future SIL, Nicole called me earlier to see if we could drive her to the Wedding. Seems that both Gerald and Kevin got pretty drunk after the rehersal party last night (well everyone there did, but that's another story)... They were drinking again pretty early this morning, and Kev and Nic were fighting. Well upon talking about it, Stephen and I decided that it just wasn't a good idea to get involved in that situation. If his brothers were acting like jerks, he would feel like he had to control the situation and it just wouldn't be much fun. I told Nic that I would still drive her over there though, but Kev must have gone back to get her. I am sorry that we missed the wedding, but not sorry that we miss any problems that come up, that is the last thing we need.

Couple's night was great last night and we had lots of fun. Cory had sub sandwiches, and salads and stuff. I brought stuff for sundae's for dessert and it was all so yummy. The company, as usual was wonderful as well.

Tomorrow we are going to see Jen's new house, and I am really excited about that.

Okay, I could write more, but I am going to watch a movie with Stephen (Mystery Alaska, a hockey movie, giggle) and first I have to walk my mom's dogs. We are dog-sitting this weekend. Shadow doesn't like her visitors.. oh well, it's only for the weekend.

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