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Movie Day
09-01-2002, 10:08 p.m.

Movie Day...

September 01, 2002

Grrrrrr, I did it again!!! I had a whole entry typed up and pressed the wrong key. I can't believe I did it two nights in a row.. I feel like turning this thing off and not even adding an entry for tonight now. I so hate typing the same thing twice... I so need a better system than this. I am going to go set up a word document to type this in every night and then just cut and paste it here... I can't stand doing this over just because I hit a wrong key. For tonight, I have no choice, so here I go again.

The plan for today was orginally to go to Great America. The only thing we were not sure about was if we were going to go in the morning without Stephen or wait for him to get home from taking his parents to church and then go with him. Chrissy decided she wanted to go to church too, so that sorta took away the guess work. I would have liked to go myself, but June gets very antsy there, and Stephen gets frustrated with her. So it was better that she and I wait. Well as they were getting ready to leave... June asked if we could go to the movies rather than Great America.. and Stephen loving Great America as he does (read the sarcasm here)... was all for it. SO NOW I am going to take the girls to great america tomorrow adn then to my mom and dads to visit, and over to Cory and Jims for a bit before I have to have them home, but that is a whole nother story.. back to today..

While Stephen and Chrissy went to church, June and I went to get lunch. We were going to get subway for everyone, but I decided on the way to stop at the grocery store and get our own sandwhich stuff instead, and let June pick dinner. She wanted Chili with neat noodles, that is how she put it.. so I let her pick the noodles and got the rest of the stuff. I was glad we decided to do it this way. We got home and got the groceries put away and dinner going in the crockpot and then had a nice lunch together, and when Chrissy and Stephen got home, they had lunch too. Then we headed to the movies. We told June that we were going to see Scooby Doo againe, which she was excited about, but we were suprising her with the Country Bears which she really wanted to see. She was so excited when it started and she realized that we tricked her. It was cute, and I enjoyed it. The only thing I DIDN'T enjoy was that they were all eating tons of candy, and since it is September 1st, my no candy for a month challenge had started. It was so hard, but I did it, and I was so proud of myself about that.

We were planning on staying for a 2nd movie (Scooby Doo for real), but the theatre was very chilly and we were all cold, so we decided to rent movies on the way home instead. Chrissy got a Walk to Remember and June got Crossroads.. I got some of the 3rd season of Sex and the City. We all sat down to watch June's movie, even Stephen who said that he so didn't want to see it. I worked on my scrapbook as we watched it and even got a layout done, yay! Then Cory called and said that she and Jim were not so far away and asked if they could stop by!! What a question!! I was so excited that they were, and I couldn't wait for them to get there. It was a wonderful visit and I am so glad that they came. I was also glad that we had cleaned up the house earlier, hehe, and that I had lit some candles, giggle.. Stephen said... it's like you knew they were coming. He (Stephen) is always so shy when people first come over, but he really likes Cory and Jim, and he said he was glad they came.. I had a huge smile when he said it, hehe.

After they left, Chrissy wanted to play on the computer, and June went to take a bath, so I watched an episode of SATC.. and then I asked Chrissy if she wanted to go for a walk with me, and she did. We had fun, and she told me all about high school and the boy that she likes. I love that she feels close to me and able to tell me this stuff. I so miss them whey they are not here.

Now we are watching Chrissy's movie and I am catching up on some email that I am so totally behind on. OR at least I am trying to, this movie is kinda cute.. so I am sorta paying attention to that.. lol. This entry has taken me almost an hour and a half to write so far, oops. Okay, I am going to watch it with them.. and then send them to bed.. we have tons to do tomorrow, so we better get an early start.

Daily Tidbits

  1. One whole day without candy. I can't believe that I've done it. I hope I can do another day, giggle.
  2. I added another thing to my layout here.. I added a place where I can show off my latest scrapbook pages.. although with as slow as I've been going on them, it's bound to not change too

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