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Playing in Puddles
09-02-2002, 8:32 p.m.

Playing in Puddles...

September 02, 2002

We woke up this morning all excited about going to Six Flags. I got up a little earlier than the girls, so I layed in bed and finished reading my book until they woke up. They finally got up though, and we got ready to go.. when we were just about ready, Stephen called us in the room, and told us to look out the window.. it was raining!!! I was more disappointed than the girls, which was surprising. I wanted to go to Six Flags anyway, and June did too.. but Chrissy was like.. but my hair will get wet... we were cracking up, what a little teenager she is. We were going to go anyway, but then my mom called to tell me that the weather was even worse there... so we accepted our fate, and decided to stay home and watch movies instead. I was a bit disappointed for a while, but then we started having fun so it wasn't too bad.

Once the rain let up a little bit, June asked if she could go outside and play in the puddles. I said sure.. I remember loving to do that when I was a little girl too. She put on 3 pairs of socks, we were cracking up at her... and went out to jump for a while. After a bit, I asked her if she wanted to come in and cuddle and watch a movie with me.. she said ok, but I could tell she really wanted someone to play outside with her... so I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk and play in more puddles with me. Oh my goodness.. she was so excited and her face just lit up... that alone made it totally worth it for me. I ran in to put on my shoes and let Stephen and Chrissy know where we were going. As I was coming out, June said.. grab your purse.. I looked at her and laughed.. and asked what for.. she said in case we walk over there, and points to the mall.. I was just cracking up.. but I grabbed my purse and we headed towards the mall jumping in every puddle we could find on the way. We were laughing and having fun, and I was again so glad that I decided to do this with her.

Once we got to the mall, June was so excited to see that the security patrol on the horses were holed up under this awning.. and they called her over and let her pet the horses.. she wanted to stay there for a while doing that. Finally I was able to drag her away and into the mall, but only by asking if she wanted to go get ice cream, hehe. She of course did.. so we shopped for a little bit and then headed for the ice cream place. She got ice cream for herself and wanted to get some for Chrissy. I told her that was fine, but that we would have to go straight home then without stopping. She wanted to, so that was fine with me. I got myself a pina colado smoothie, yum... and then we headed home.

We all sat around and watched Crossroads again, just goofing around, tickling each other and stuff. I got half of a scrapbook layout done too, so I gotta finish that one.. but I kept wanting to play with them so it was hard to work. We had fun, and when the movie was over it was time to get going, pout. We ate a late lunch quickly and worked our way out the door. I wanted to stop at Hobby Lobby really quick on the way to take them home to pick up some mats that I had ordered cut. Then we headed to their house. Sherry and Chuck were fueding soooo bad, and Sherry was in a crummy mood because of it, so I didn't stay all that long after I dropped them off. They invited me to stay for dinner, but man, I wasn't staying in that war zone any longer than I had to ... as it was, I felt bad leaving Chrissy and June to listen to them, lol. I am laughing because it really wasn't THAT bad... I just liked to tease about it. I really mostly didn't stay because Stephen asked me if I wanted to go for a walk together when I got home, and since he doesn't walk with me all too often, I wasn't passing that chance up. I did take the time though to stop at Kohl's on the way home to pick him up a few new shirts for work, and then came home and we went for a short walk.

I had a lot of fun walking with him. It has stopped raining, and actually turned out to be a nice evening. I wish we would have braved it and gone to great america and also to see my parents and Cory.. but can't change that now, can I. I wouldn't have gotten to play in puddles with June if we had though, so maybe it worked out to be a good thing after all.

Daily Tidbits

  1. Tomorrow classes start.. so that should be fun. We are going to have to be in early to get things ready.. so I am hoping that I can get to bed early.
  2. Did I mention how much I loved that football started this past weekend? Tennessee won, big time, and that was pretty awesome.. I love watching the games, and can't wait to watch more... and next is Hockey season, yay!
  3. My MIL called earlier to see what everyone was doing. I thought she was going to invite us all over, but she said she would call back after she talked to everyone else, and then she didn't. Stephen didn't really want to go anywhere though, so I was not too disappointed that she didn't call back. It seemed weird not doing any BBQs today for Labor Day, but it was a great day so I am not complaining. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day.

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