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Labor Day

Labor Day...

September 03, 2001

Happy Labor Day! The end of summer, awww, how sad.. but the beginning of Autumn, how pretty.

We had a long day today. We got up and the girls played for a while, and I worked on some scrapbooking stuff. I did some borders for Cory and stuff like that, while they played Barbies. Then we went out to work for a little bit, and Chuck came to pick June up then. She is doing good on the meds, I will say that much. I still don't have to agree with it fully, but I do want what is best for her, that we all agree on, and that is what counts.

After we got home the girls played for a bit longer and I got some other stuff done, and then we all go ready to go to the game. We had to stop at Service Merchandise to pick up a few things for Jen, and dummy me let Nicole see them, not knowing that I wasn't supposed to, oops. We finally made it over to Comisky and in time for batting practice which was fun, even though I didn't catch any balls. I came close though, hehe...maybe next time. We had a great time at the game and I was so glad that Jen and Don and the kids came with. Chrissy too. It was fun. Sherry picked Chrissy up here after the game, and we got to visit for about an hour, which was nice too. All and all a very busy day, but a very nice one.

Classes start tomorrow. Well, for us on Wednesday since we don't teach on Tuesdays. It will be interesting to see how this goes, with us combining classes and stuff. It's going to be so much more work in some ways, and yet so much easier in others. It will all even out in the end, I am sure. We are going to go in early so that we can try to leave at 2:30 so that we can go to tomorrow night's Sox game as well. It is half price can night, and also a double header.. so 2 games for half the price of one. Woo hoo, I could handle that, oh yah! It will be fun to do it with Stephen, and really we do need some alone time.

I have to say that he is getting back to his normal self finally too, and he apologized a bunch of times last night for the past few days. I am glad that he see's that it wasn't just me, and that we are able to work thru this. I finally feel like we are going to really be alright, and that makes me happy and much more relaxed. We are on the upswing of this one, and I couldn't be happier about that. It was a good day today, and that's a really good thing. I hope that the bad days are past for a while... hehe. Happy Labor Day!

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