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Little Squeaker
09-04-2002, 11:08 p.m.

Little Squeaker...

September 04, 2002

I watched Katie tonight while Kevin and Nicole went to see a movie. I was glad to do it.. oh who am I kidding, I was thrilled. I loved every minute of it, and while they said it was her bedtime and that she should go to sleep for me, I was glad when she didn't. Not that I tried to keep her up, but she just is so alert and loves to look around, especially when she is someplace new. We had the best time, and the time just flew by much too quickly. She is such a little squeaker though.. I swear this girl is always making one noise or another.. all the time, even when she is asleep. They tease that she is never quiet, and I swear it's the truth. It's the cutest thing. I had a good time watching her, and I am glad that they asked me to. I hope that they had a good time at the movies and I am glad that they weren't worried about her at all.

They went to a later movie though, so it's a bit late, and I am very tired so I am going to make this a short entry and then head to bed. I had to come online though to send myself some pictures at work. They were some pictures that I had taken for my boss today and he needs them tomorrow and since I had the baby all night I didn't have time to get online earlier. I didn't do much tonight besides hold Katie and play with her. My kind of night. I really did love every minute of it. I was so sorry to see the little squeaker go, and I offered to babysit soon, hehe. I am glad that we are close with all of our nieces and nephews, it's such a good thing.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I worked out at work before we came home. Stephen had to work until 5 with lab anyway so it worked out nicely, but man was it crowded with students.. I so don't miss that. However, Stephen has lab on Mon, Wed and Fri.. so maybe I should take advantage of that and get my workouts done at work. It was nice to come home and know it was done already, but yet I missed the gym here too. I also missed going with Dee. I wonder if she still went tonight, I hope so. At any rate, I am going to meet her there tomorrow. I also want to find a time this week to take the step class.. we'll see.
  2. Okay, I am half asleep, so I am out of here, goodnight.

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