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September 23, 2001

Today was the shower for my BIL Kevin and his fiance Nicole. It was such a crummy day out, raining and just icky, and we got all wet carrying the gifts to the car and then into the house where the shower was, but aside from all of that, we had a really nice time. Nicole and Kevin got tons and tons and tons of gifts, and they seemed really happy with everything. They were really laughing about the cards that Delores and I put on all of our gifts... we signed them with little notes "It's not too late"..."You can still call it off" and my favorite.. "run while you can". Nicole was laughing, it was cute. If only she would listen, snicker. Delores and I already have plans for the wedding... a sympathy card, signed "We warned you, now don't come crying to us". What great SILs we are, huh.

I was a little bit sad today too... It made me sad being there, thinking how I never got a chance to have a shower of my own... and then also, because so many of Stephen's cousin's have tiny babies, including his cousin who has triplets, and it was just so sad to think that I may never have one of my own... another shower that I probably will never have a shot at... I don't know...I try not to think about those kinds of things, but sometimes it just hits you in the face.

I am a little sad tonight about some other stuff too, stuff that I just don't want to write about. Just something that has really been on my mind today, and it's something that I can't really do anything about... I just need to get past it myself...

Well, it's going on 8... and I have to be to work tomorrow by 6:00 which means I have to get up at 4:30.. uggghhhh... I am going to try to go to bed at 9 tonight, but I know that I probably won't be able to fall asleep until late, because that is just how it works. I guess I will be tired tomorrow!

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