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Weekend Update Continued
09-23-2002, 12:51 p.m.

Weekend Update Continued...

September 23, 2002

Couples night was at Cory�s house this time, and everyone was going except for Sherry and Chuck. He got out of the hospital on Friday, which was a good thing, but they decided not to go still, which we understood. I was glad that I got to pick up Chrissy and June so that they could go with. This was the first time that Don was able to join us, although hopefully not the last, lol. Jen and Don and the kids were there when we got there.. okay Jen and the kids were, Don had ran to the store for something, and he was gone when we got there. He got back shortly after we got there. We had a nice time, sitting around and talking before dinner, and then we ate. Dinner was yummy, as usual. We never eat poorly for these things, that is for certain. I like how we all contribute to them, you get goodies from everyone that way, lol.

After dinner, we got ready to play games. We had planned on going to the corn maze, but it had been raining most of the week, so it was muddy and stuff, and we opted to stay at Cory�s and play games instead. I was a little sad that we were skipping the maze, because it really was something that I thought was going to be a lot of fun, but it worked out well, and we all really had a great time. We played the newlywed game, and then taboo. The newlywed game was cute, and I cracked up at some of our answers. It was a little goofy at times, but most of those types of games are. I was glad we played. Taboo was a lot of fun too. We drew numbers to pick teams, and the funny thing is that no couple was on the same team. It was Jim, Don and I against Cory, Jen and Stephen. I was cracking up playing that game. It is especially cute watching Cory play.. she hates to lose at anything, and she gets so frustrated with herself. They won by a couple though, so she was happy, lol.

The kids had practiced a couple skits to do to Dr. Demento, lol. I was cracking up so hard at one of them. It kept them busy though, and they were all very well behaved. It was a great night, and I was sorry to see it end. But all good things must come to an end, and we headed home. I started out driving, but eventually pulled over and let Stephen drive since I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. We got home late, and the kids were already asleep in the car, so we carried them in and put them to bed. We were in bed shortly ourselves. I was so tired from the lack of sleep the night before.. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

We slept late on Sunday.. until almost 10. That is really late for me, but like I said, I was really tired. I had wanted to go workout at 9, but obviously that wasn�t going to happen. I decided to go anyway, even though I would only be able to workout for half an hour or so. I figured that was better than not going at all, and once I got there I was glad that I did go. I had to hurry and get my shower and get dressed when I got back though, because we had to get out of the house quickly. I was going to Church with my in-laws and Stephen had his game to go to. Chrissy and June were going to go with him, but then June asked if she could go to Church with me instead, so just Chrissy went with Stephen. They dropped June and I off at the Church, since it was getting late, but we got there in time. We went in and went to find my MIL, but then I saw my nieces in the child room, with Kevin and the baby, so I took June in there with them. It worked out nice, cause I didn�t worry so much about her talking as long as she was whispering. We had, as a family, donated money to the church to have a mass said in Eva Marie�s name, and so that�s why I didn�t want to miss this one. Eva Marie was Stephen�s cousin�s baby that died last month. Stephen cousin and his aunt and uncle came for the mass as well, and it was nice to see them afterward. Christina looks so sad still, and I heard that she has left her husband since the baby died� hopefully they can work things out, but sometimes grief does so much to you. I wish that there was something I could do to help her. We are going to buy a star in the baby�s name, from the family, and I need to look into that today.

After the mass, I walked back to Stephen�s mom and dad�s with June, Karolyn and Kimberly, while Kevin took his parents grocery shopping. Stephen and Chrissy got back to the house right after we got there, as did Michelle with James. She asked me to watch James while she went back to the boys game, and so I stayed there and played with the kids until Liz got back from shopping. I helped her put the groceries away, and get the food started (she was making tons of food since everyone was coming in and out all day), and then I took the girls all to the park to watch Eric�s game. They (the girls) went to play in the park, and I watched the game with Little Kev. Eric did really good, and they won. I stayed to watch a little bit of Jake�s game (Eric is on the JV and Jacob the varsity team.. Amy also cheerleads for the JV team).. and then the girls wanted to go back to Liz�s house, so I walked back with them, and we all ate lunch. Afterwards, Stephen and I went back to watch the 2nd half of Jake�s game. They won too, so it was a good football day. It was such a beautiful day too, so it was nice being outside.

We hung out at Stephen�s moms house for a while longer, as the girls had all gone back up to the park, and then when they got back, we took the girls and left. I took Stephen home, and picked up some of the girls stuff (the stuff they didn�t forget after me reminding them 1000 times anyway), and then we headed out to take them home. Sherry called and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner, and I said ok, so when we got there, I hung out for a little bit and had dinner with them. They made steaks and baked potatoes, yum. I didn�t have to cook a bit the whole day, which was nice. They even sent a plate home for Stephen.

I wanted to get home in time to watch the Soprano�s, for what good that did. I sat down to watch it with Stephen, and was asleep 15 minutes into it. He woke me up and sent me to bed, so I was in bed sleeping by 8:30, and aside from waking up once a 2 to go pee, I slept the whole night. We had to get up a 5 this morning, to get to work because we both had exams, but even getting up early, I had a great night of sleep. Why am I tired now then? LOL.. I think I am getting a cold, yuck.

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