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Early to Rise...Early to Bed?

Early to Rise...Early to Bed?

September 24, 2001

Well, I did go to bed last night at 9:00, the way I planned to. What I didn't plan on though was waking up at 10:00 because Stephen came in to check on me. Unfortunately I couldn't fall back to sleep.. ugghhh.. but it wasn't a total waste, giggle. Stephen was feeling a bit frisky and it turned out to be a nice evening. Of course I couldn't go back to sleep until after 2:30, and then had to get up about 4:30... that really didn't give me much a chance to sleep. I have been pretty tired off and on all day, and now I am finding myself being pretty cranky with Stephen, who has done nothing but try to be nice to me. Oh, I think that it's going to be an early night tonight.

I dozed off earlier but only for a few minutes, thankfully. I didn't want to take a nap, so I would sleep good tonight. I hope that I do... I could use it, hehe.

I talked to Krystal tonight for a few minutes. She is leaving tomorrow for Atlanta... she starts her job there soon and is really excited about starting her life there. I love her and I really wish her the very best, I hope that she gets her life together there, and makes a good life for herself. As much as I am finished taking care of her, I still want her to do good for herself, I still love her. I always will.

I can't believe that Tonya is going to be here in a few days. I am so excited about that. I can't wait to see her and the girls. We are going to have such a great girl weekend... we have such cute plans, including playing hide n' seek at Jen's... hehe. I am already thinking of good places to hide...

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