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September 26, 2001

I cannot believe that tomorrow is already tomorrow. I said that earlier and thought it sounded cute. Tomorrow Tonya, Maddy and Rachel arrive. I am sooooo excited about it too. I am excited about spending the weekend at Jens... I am excited about Cory picking us up and spending the night at least...I am excited about the pictures we are taking on Friday.. PICTURES, that reminds me ::: running to put more film in my suitcase ::: Can't forget that.

Anyway, so we are going to the Picture People to get a group picture on Friday. Cory, Jen, Tonya and I along with Chrissy, June, Maddy, Nicole and Rachel. We are all wearing Jeans with either Red, White or Blue tops.. awww, how patriotic... how cute. I can't wait to see how cute it looks.

We have some really cute plans for the weekend. I ran out tonight and bought the girls 40 dollars of dollar store make-up... LMAO, okay that is ALOT of make up... but I just know that they will have so much fun playing with it. I think we are even going to be brave enough to let them put it on us, lol... lucky them. We plan on doing lots of fun stuff with them, since this is an official GIRLS weekend. I don't know who is going to have more fun...them or us.. it's a toss up.

Tomorrow came quickly, but then again it can't come quickly enough. It seems like forever since we've seen Tonya, not the 2 months that it's only been. We are going to have such a great time...such a great visit.

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