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Friday, September 5, 2003
09-29-2003, 8:58 p.m.

Friday, September 5, 2003�

Today was our last day at sea, for this cruise. If I didn�t know that we were going to be here next week too, I think that I would be a little bit sad right now (oh I know I would be), but it�s really neat to walk around here knowing that we *are* staying next week, and watching everyone be jealous over that. People all around us are starting to get sad, knowing that their cruises are coming to an end, but not us. I do feel bad for the people who are sad though, really I do..

Today was a great day! We had a meeting with the others from the CC group. As I mentioned earlier in the week, we had all gone in on 2 horses at the horse auction. The Kentucky Derby was this afternoon, so we planned on getting together this morning to decorate our horses. For our first horse, Parts Unknown, we had all brought magnets from our home towns, and so we used that to decorate the horses. The other horse, lei-away, we decorated with, what else, leis. I helped work on Parts unknown a little, but I really helped a lot with lei-away, and I just had such a great time working on it. We were laughing and goofing around, and they turned out so cute. I had some cute ideas, and a couple of people really complimented me on my ideas, which always feels really good.

After the decoration party, one of the couples took our horses with them, because they had an appointment to meet the captain. They got some pictures of him with our horses, which we hoped would bring us good luck.

Mom and I hung out for a couple of hours, just shopping, and laying around, which was fun. Then it was time for the Kentucky Derby. As horse owners, we were invited to a pre-derby party, with champagne and we got to sit in the owners circle. We got there early and took tons of pictures of our horses and of the friends that we made. It was just such a fun afternoon, and I am really glad that we got involved with this group. It really has made this week a lot of fun, with all of our extra activities. We have even been invited to a party tomorrow in the Grand Suite. One of the couples from the group had been upgraded to that room, and I am really looking forward to seeing it.

So the Derby was so much fun, with lots of hollering and cheering. Our horse, Lei-away placed 2nd, and even more exciting, our other horse, parts unknown won best dressed horse. All that work wasn�t for nothing. Nice to see that� We won a big bag full of prizes, and we are going to draw names at tomorrow�s party so that someone in our group can win them. With our 2nd place, we won about enough money to break even on this whole thing, but I wouldn�t have cared either way, it�s been so much fun, the experience has totally been worth it.

After the derby, dad and I decided to stay for Bingo, but mom didn�t want to play so she said she would meet us in the casino later. A lot of the group stayed for Bingo too, which made it even more fun. I won one game too, and won $100.00 which was exciting, especially since we knew a lot of people there, and they were all cheering... go me.

After Bingo, we went to meet mom in the casino. She was doing good, but we decided to go back to the room for a while, to take a nap. I really have been enjoying this nap thing a lot. It has helped with the staying up late and getting up early thing. It�s been such a relaxing week, by all means. When we got up, we went to swim for a while, and then it was time to get dressed for dinner.

Tonight was a formal night, and I wore my black beaded dress, which looked really nice and since I was dressed up, I took a couple of formal pictures, including some black and white, which I hope turn out nice.

Dinner was awesome, and we had requested Edgar as our waiter again. He is just such a great waiter and a real cutie, and he makes me laugh a lot. He was singing to us, and even dragged me out of my chair to dance with him right in the middle of the dining room . Mom and Dad were cracking up the whole time, especially when he started singing.. �I have a girl� and Vicki is her name�. He is such a goof, but so much fun. The food was wonderful tonight too. Mom and Dad had lobster, and mom begged me to try it, so I did, and I hated it� icky icky icky� lol.

After dinner, we went back to the casino, but we left dad there after a while, because I really wanted to go to the champagne waterfall. Mom came out with me for a while, but she had not been feeling so well all day (Fabian was getting to her today, but I felt much much better all day) and she got really tired, so she excused herself to go to bed. I stayed for the waterfall, which was so amazing, and beautiful. They were throwing confetti and streamers everywhere, and it was just so festive. The best part was seeing everyone in their formal wear, and it just looked so elegant. I was in the right spot, and was actually asked to take my picture pretty quickly (the 3rd person) and got to pour a lot of champagne. It was so much fun, and I hope the pictures turn out nice.

I hung around for a while longer, but decided to come and check on mom, and tell her all about it. It was late, so I decided to stay in the room with her, and read for a while before I go to sleep. Even taking naps every day, the days are so full of activities that I am often so tired by the time we go to bed at night. Tomorrow we are going to be in the Princess Cays, and I am really looking forward to just laying on the beach for a while. Hopefully the weather will cooperate (it has been raining all evening long), but even if it doesn�t we will be back on Monday, so we will get another chance, hehe� I love that.

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