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Not The Sox
09-30-2003, 8:26 p.m.

In this fine city, there are sox fans and then there are cub fans. You can be one or the other, but only in extreme cases can you be both. Stephen and I are sox fans, and we both have since we were children. Some of each of our family are, however, Cub fans, and so as you can guess the rivalry�s can be great at times.

We were hopeful, and even excited about the possibility of the Sox making the playoffs� and the thought that the Cubs might as well caused much excitement in this city, just a few short weeks ago. Unfortunately the Sox were unable to get it done, and they faltered� but the Cubs did not, and they now find themselves in a very fine position indeed. At first we winced at the idea of dealing with all the cubs fans around us, but first and foremost we are Chicago fans, and while we are by no means jumping on the cubs bandwagon (I feel very strongly about fair-weather fans, that is a whole other entry though.. I just hate when a team is doing well and all of a sudden everyone is a fan, but where are they during the not so good times? I am very loyal to the teams I love, good or bad), I do hope the cubs do well and that they even (gasp) win. If it can�t be the sox, they would be my second choice... it�s just a little bittersweet. So I now grudgingly say, Go Cubs!

Today has been an okay day. I�ve been feeling a bit down about my progress lately, I�ve been only going backwards, but tomorrow starts a new month, and hopefully a new attitude too. I think that part of the problem has been the fact that I�ve not had a goal this month (I didn�t make one since I was going to be gone for half of it) and so that made it really easy to falter. It�s amazing how much that keeps me on track, especially reporting it to our group, better4life. I am reminded how thankful I am for the support and care of the ladies there. I hope that I can get thru these next few days and come away feeling much better about myself.

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