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Friday Night With the Girls
10-18-2004, 8:10 p.m.

Friday night was our "girls night out" and the first time that we�ve been able to talk Jen into going to a crop with us. It was at the scrapbook store, and we were all looking forward to it very much. Jen, I think, was worried that she would not have much to do, but she was looking forward to spending time with us, so that made it exciting for her too, at least a little bit.

Tonya�s boss told her that she could leave a couple hours early on Friday, and since the crop was there near work, I asked to leave early too, and we planned to go to the movies. Jen was going to join us, but ended up not being able to, so we ended up going to the Mall and walking around instead. We had fun, and I am glad we did that. Finally though it was time to head to the crop, and that was what we had been waiting for all day long. Jen got there first (big surprise), followed by Cory and then us, and we got our table set up and got to work. Jen thought she would need a lot of help, but surprisingly to herself, she did wonderful cards all on her own. Well, at least in our eyes it was all on her own. She used a book to look for ideas and she thinks that isn�t doing it on her own, but what she fails to realize is that we all use books, magazines and each other to get ideas for our projects. That, however, does not make them any less our own. You take the ideas and you work at them to get them to look the way you want them. That is what she did, and they turned out wonderful. I was very proud of her.

Cory was working on Andy�s scrapbook which was bittersweet. Her pages are beautiful, but looking back at them makes her a little misty. You can tell that she is missing Andy being a baby, and it�s sweet to see (for us anyway). Tonya worked on some cards, which turned out beautiful (as usual) and I worked on my MIL�s scrapbook (her Christmas gift). We all got tons done, so it was a productive evening. None of us were ready for the evening to end however, so after we packed up and put our stuff in the car, we decided to go to Cheeseburgers in Paradise for some desserts. They had a band going, which was fun (well for some of us, giggle), but just being together was awesome. It�s been a while since we�ve all been together and I love those times more than anything.

The rest of the weekend was equally as wonderful. Saturday we went out to breakfast and then just sort of hung out at home, which is always a good thing, and Sunday we went to Stephen�s game and then to hang out at his parents, which is especially wonderful lately as I love spending time holding and feeding Konner. It was such a great weekend, and I was really sorry to see it end, but as always Monday comes quickly.

Okay, I am going to get back to working on Konner�s birth announcements. They are turning out to cute. I wanted to take a break to write in here, as if I leave it too long I end up not doing it. See I am trying, smile.

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