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Crazy Times
10-02-2002, 3:56 p.m.

Crazy Times...

October 02, 2002

I really enjoy my work with the Faculty Senate. Not just because of the money (although that does help a lot), but I just like the position most of the time, being involved, doing something different. Then there are times, mostly when the rest of my job is crazy, that I just wonder, why do I do this???? LOL. Things have been insane at work, and they just continue to get more and more so, instead of less like I always hope. Everyday when I come in, I think, oh, today shouldn�t be so bad, but then the work starts piling up, and I have to really work hard to stay on top of it. Add into that all of my responsibilities with the faculty senate, and by the end of the day, I am exhausted. By the time I get home, all I want to do is fall in bed for the night, but I still have to make dinner and then go work out. It�s not left me with much free time to keep up on things that I know I should keep up on, like email and journals and all the stuff like that, and those things do matter to me. I know that I need to make more of an effort, and I always say, oh I am going to try harder, and I do for a little while, but then I get back into the habit of not. I miss out on a lot of things that way though, and sometimes it makes me feel like a bad friend.

I read today that my friend Amy is pregnant.. by a bit, and I never knew it. It was there in her journal all along, and I never read it. I feel bad that I didn�t, like I wasn�t there for her.. and okay, a little sad that she didn�t tell me either, and I had to read it in her journal. I am so thrilled for her though, and I hope she knows how happy I really am for her. Congratulations Amy, you deserve this.

So, back to work stuff.. Walt has a November 1 deadline on a grant application. He is going to a meeting in Vegas most of next week.. and I am going to Vegas on the 20th for the week. When I reminded him that I was going to be gone the week, he freaked a little.. he knew it, but he didn�t put it together with this deadline of his, and I didn�t know about the deadline when I made my plans. So now, we are working to get as much of this done as we can.. and then Barb will help while I am gone. Walt just likes having me do it all, but Barb is capable, so at least he will have her. I refuse to feel guilty about going on Vacation! I have earned that time off, and I am not even going to think about work while I am gone. It does however make things crazy over the next few weeks. We have our next Faculty Senate meeting on the 9th too, so I have a lot to do to prepare for that. I don�t know how the heck I am going to get all of this stuff done, but I will, I really have no other choice anyway. Now if I could keep all the problems I�ve been running into to a minimum, I will be alright� ha, like that is going to happen.

I hate Wednesdays!! Okay, not really, but Stephen has lab until 5 on Wednesdays so we don�t get home until after 6, and then by the time I make dinner, eat and clean up, it�s 7, and so I don�t get to go workout until late. Good thing I don�t really watch anything on TV on Wednesdays, hehe. I did put dinner in the crock pot today too, so that will help as well. I put chicken in, and when I get home, I am going to shred it and add BBQ sauce to it, for sandwiches. Quick and easy and I should be on my way to workout in no time. I could have gotten up this morning to go workout before work, or brought my stuff to work to workout here, but I didn�t, and I don�t want to just skip working out so I am going to just stop complaining, lol.

I have been feeling so icky lately. I go thru these stages, where I feel really good about myself and all that I am accomplishing and then other times, I feel like I am getting nowhere and I feel really icky about it all. This is one of the times when I don�t feel so great. I really feel like I am fat fat fat.. and I hate feeling that way, but it�s how I feel and all I can do is work thru it until I start feeling better about myself again. It is times like this that I feel unsure about myself in other areas as well� okay, pushing those thoughts away. Time to get back to work anyway, still have an hour, and I can accomplish a lot in that time. I am writing this now though, since I am taking home the minutes from the last Faculty Senate meeting to do tonight after I work out. At least I won�t feel like I have to go write in my journal still, since it will be done.

Daily Tidbits

  1. I can�t believe that Tonya and the girls will be here a week from tomorrow. I can�t wait to see them, but I also know that the visit is going to fly by, and we are going to be so very sad when it�s time for them to leave. I can�t believe that they will be in Hawaii in just a few short months.. everything is changing.
  2. Today was Jen�s first TASS day. I know she did well.. she was so worried though, and I felt so bad for her, she sounded so scared. I bet it was perfect, she really worked hard at it. Way to go Jen!
  3. Cory *seems* so sad lately too, and I feel so sad because there is nothing I can do to help her. I know where she is at, because I�ve been there, and I know how hard it is, and how much you feel like you need to be alone to sort it out, but in the meantime it�s hard to sit back and not be able to help. It�s hard to see your friends go thru hard times. What a bunch we are lately!
  4. I so need to go get a new workout bra.. I was falling out of the one I was wearing at the aerobics class last night.. every time I did a jumping jack I had to pull my bra down. I also need to get gifts for the parties we have to go to this weekend.. sheesh, I have too much to do, lol. I wish I had someone I could get to do it all for me� wouldn�t that be nice.
  5. I finished my Ohio book last night though!! One thing down.. now to get caught up on other pictures.. ya right, there is no such thing as being caught up, I am convinced of that!

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